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Story by https://www.deviantart.com/heroesfallacadamy, Kimberly also belongs to HeroesFallAcadamy.


"Finally! It shouldn't be too long until the bus arrives!" Kim half-jogged to meet up with Minako. She grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her closer for a hug. Meanwhile, Minako's mother, Yui, held her laptop tightly against her chest, restraining herself from scolding her daughter for being less prepared than she should have been for today's event. She did, however, approach Minako, pulling the two friends apart as she checked to see if she did indeed have everything.

"Relaaaax Mom, I've got everything!" she grumbled as Yui rummaged through her bag. She had to stop as the bus slowly pulled up to the curb after getting signalled by Kim. The trio paid for their fare and entered the bus, which was filling up with other fighters from the gym. 

Kim and Minako sat next to each other, as Yui sat across the aisle, taking out her laptop and adjusting her glasses before starting to type something into the device. The redhead turned herself away from Minako to lean across the aisle to peep at whatever Yui was working on, causing Yui to turn the screen away from her. Getting a murderous stare in return.

As Minako suspected, her mother still wasn't too keen on her daughters roommate, having hoped that the older woman would rein the noisy girl in instead of assisting her with whatever trouble she'd gotten herself into.

"Soooo, Minnie. How are you feeling? Nervous about the tournament?" The redhead nudged herself into Minako's arm as she stared out the window. "Hm? Ah, n-no? I think I'm more nervous about being in a different city..." Minako's response caused a massive grin to grow across her cheeks. "Really!? That!? Then you've got nothing to worry about! I won't be leaving your side! We're sharing the same hotel room anyway! Just stick to me like glue, alright?" another nudge to Minako's shoulder helped restore some confidence in the asian woman.

The journey there was filled with talks of sights the duo wished to see and things they wanted to do whilst they were in Washington and a quick crash course in tactics. All whilst Yui kept to herself, focusing on whatever work she was doing on her laptop. Any input from her returned the same response of "That's nice." "Mhm." "No." Short. Simple answers as her computer kept most of her attention.

After arriving in Washington, having checked into the hotel, the trio would travel to the venue that was hosting the BJJ exhibition. Minako kept herself close to Kim as suggested. Sometimes stopping to take in the sights and sounds of the city new to her. This caused Kim to stop and give her a short history lesson on each tourist attraction. Even when Minako's hunger got the best of her Kim pulled her away from street vendors, knowing it's not wise to fight on a full stomach.



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