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Greetings, club members!,

Our resort is a wonderful place to kick back, let it all hang out, or even get a little experimental if you feel so inclined! There’s a rumour about our latest guest, Camille... All we’ll say is, make sure to enjoy any substances responsibly and within the privacy of your rooms, preferably with a partner to help you out. Have fun!

Big thanks to all who pre-ordered our first simtoy product! We're caught up on shipping and all new orders will be shipped within two workdays. Keep an eye on our store as we'll be adding more characters in the coming months for you to bring home and play with!

As always, thank you all for your support of our game, and look forward to more content!

Kind Regards,

The Furry Beach Club Team

Support the Furry Beach Club Project by purchasing coins and/or becoming a Patreon.



Trai Folsky

Where do you buy the item they need?


Tobi should have it on the last page. We ran in a issue during launch so it wasn't there right away. Sorry about that!


Yes Tony sell it, got it

Trai Folsky

Yeah it wasn't there at the start


Where is she

Billy Rouse

I still waiting for my coins ;-; It's been a day.


I'm silver teir and I still don't have my coins.


Hello, As you have a recurring pledge the reward should get synced in on the 6th of the month. If your reward synced just fine during last month then no changes are needed. If it didn't then please make sure that all the required fields at your billing info are filled at www.patreon.com/pledges > edit in order to get the reward synced. If you have done this and your reward doesn't sync on the 6th then please send us a email to support@furrybeachclub.com and we will run a account investigation for you.


Hello, It looks like you've opted out from the reward. You can fix this using the following steps from our guide: - Make sure that your currency is set to USD at the bottom of the page. - Head to www.patreon.com/pledges > edit - Enter your billing information and replace any special characters in your information such as ä and ë with their counter characters (ie a and e). - Make sure that you do NOT check the opt out box if it is shown. - Save your pledge and head to the game. - Go to My Account -> Providers from the Main Menu and connect your Patreon account. If you pledged last month then your reward will be synced on the 6th every new month. If you are missing previous rewards then please mail us at support@furrybeachclub.com and we will look into it for you once your current reward synced in.


I still waiting for my coins, too...


same and my silver bagde


Hello, please follow the instructions a few posts back. It looks like you opted out from the reward as the instructions where not followed. The instructions from a few posts back should help you opt in.


Hello, i live in the UK and i'm trying to make purchases but its not on the country list. Any reason why?


Hello, any news about the updated ?


Damn no update


Updates unfortunately got delayed due to one of our artists unexpectedly passing away. This does not affect future updates to the FBC project and updates will continue as always. The August update for FBC will be going live this week. Hope this helps to explain the situation.


Updates unfortunately got delayed due to one of our artists unexpectedly passing away. This does not affect future updates to the FBC project and updates will continue as always. The August update for FBC will be going live this week. Hope this helps to explain the situation.


Hello, The UK is currently not supported in game due to the Brexit. We are still working on resolving it with the UK Gov.


Oh man that’s horrible I’m sorry to hear that


I notice the wolf girl and I think the zebra are different who all had changes are there changes in the galactic space game to ?


Currently updates for GMQ are on hold as we are looking for a new artist. We are working hard to recruit someone capable of continuing the project. As some parts of the August updates where posted, we may soon be able to bring out a update for GMQ after we managed to get the images reconstructed.


First omg, sorry I only answered today, the last few days were pretty busy. Second, my condolences both to the FBC team that loses a family member, and to the artist's own family, may god have welcomed him with open arms.

Dark Forge

I'm sorry to hear that. My prayers will go out to you and the artists family.