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As usual, feel free to ask me all sorts of questions in the comment section below and I'll answer them in an audio post later in the month! As always, I have a "no such thing as a dumb question" policy so really, feel free to ask whatever!  



Give us one fact about Alphonse, GO!


I realized that wasn't really a question. Could you please give us a fact about Alphonse? :D


Which Holloween themed monster do you prefer if any? Ghosts, Vampires or Werewolves?


What sort of equipment do you use and how did you aquire them? I'm an aspiring voice actor myself and I love the quality of your audios!


What's your favorite thing about Halloween?


How do you feel about the whole “Pumpkin Spice” craze...? And if you aren’t about it, what’s your favorite “Autumn” flavor? 😄


How do you feel about Deadpool? Do you like him? :)

Maria Gustavsson

Just curious about how life's going in general? I know you've had some rough times lately; are you still feeling alright? Much love. <3

Musical Limbo

What is your favourite old school horror flick?

Musical Limbo

If you had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world where would you go?

Musical Limbo

Is there a character from any medium that doesn’t have a voice actor already that you would like to put a voice too?


What's the last thing you Googled?


Rank Venom, Kirby, and Bowsette according to who you'd most enjoy being vored by


Any chance of a Halloween stream? :3c


what keeps you motivated in this area of work?