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Year 2021 should be the year of Luka and Felix ship ♥️

I really love how well their personalities go together and how it would take them few years to go from “acquaintances” to “boyfriends”.

I imagine it wouldn’t be an easy journey but a very fulfilling at the end. They both could learn a lot from each other and become that couple that no one understands how they ended up together.

They probably would be very misunderstood by others once they end up in a relationship due to their mutual tendency of keeping their relationship very private and not being very affectionate in public. Some would think their relationship is lacking in romance and passion but it’s further from the truth as it could possibly be.

They’re perfectly comfortable with the way their relationship is. No unnecessary drama or conflict, clear communication and acceptance of each other’s personalities. Felix is very analytical and hates wasting time on mulling over problems that have easy and logical solutions while Luka is very non confrontational and gentle to hang on to anything that can cause a disagreement. They appreciate each other’s approach and it creates a very healthy environment for their relationship.

They also managed to bring better qualities in each other throughout the years and through their friendship that was developing and becoming stronger as they got to know each other better and better.

It took Luka some time to get over his last heartbreak and Felix’s presence in his life during this time helped him develop a healthy amount of selfishness to start caring about his needs as much as he cares about the needs and wants of the people around him. On the other hand Felix had to go through some character development too, learning to be less judgmental of people and more open and empathetic to their flaws. Being constantly compared to Adrien by his family and everyone around him as he was growing up, Felix always strived to be impeccable in every area of his life and had little sympathy or tolerance for people’s vulnerabilities, even when it came to his own struggles, he always viewed them as something to be ashamed of and never knew exactly how to deal with certain emotions.

Luka on the other side was raised in a chaotic environment (literally and figuratively) and was never taught how to be more strategic and rational when dealing with his feelings. In his mind feelings were a form of pure chaos and he never even thought of sorting them out. His only way of dealing with them is by channeling them through music and seeking temporary relief but never addressing the root of the problem by analyzing them.

They anchor each other and share a surprising amount of similarities. Both seeking freedom, serenity, and a purpose.

Few more headcanons:

• Felix’s ears turn red when he blushes

• He loves sports cars and owns a motorbike

• Luka frequently forgets that Felix is younger than him because of how Felix acts and how rarely he smiles

• Felix has a small mole below his right ear and the first time Luka noticed it his first thought was that it looked like it was marked to be kissed (needless to say the poor blueberry boy blushed and questioned why this was the first place his mind went to)

• Felix finds Luka’s hands and long fingers extremely attractive



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