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How could it not, right? They are perfect together!

So, here are some of my personal headcanons for these two:

• Felix is not afraid to show his interest in Luka but he refrains from being too vocal about it because Luka is still not over Marinette. 

• Felix is as tall as Luka and has slight heterochromia. 

• Despite being slightly wary of Felix at first, Luka respects him for his honesty and is slowly becoming more open to the idea of being friends. 

• Felix is terrified by the chaos that reigns on the Couffaine ship and Luka finds that amusing and keeps inviting the boy over to his place. 

• Felix genuinely enjoys Luka’s music and goes to see them perform on every big event. 

• Felix is younger than Luka (same age as Adrien). 



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