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Hey guys you all deserve a development update! The bad news is that due to some personal life stuff the new version hasn't landed in the middle of the month as intended. The revised ETA is 31st October.

But that's the only bad news, because the personal life stuff is positive and also the new version is going to be really exciting. I've been working on some significant stuff behind the scenes over the last few months. It's going to be enough of a notable change that I will be incrementing the release number to 11.

There's also some more exciting news regarding one of our artists which we will be announcing properly soon.

Even if I don't quite make my revised deadline, I will make sure that at least the unlock file is up by the end of the month to ensure that all October patrons are able to access the new alpha stuff.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and patience!!!

Love from Aika



Sweet! I can't wait to see what's new.