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EDIT: Turns out that the newest version launcher wouldn't install properly for anyone who had never installed it before, i.e. all of you. I've updated the link with the slightly older version, which when you first open it will prompt you to update it to the most recent version. Sorry for the inconvenience!

EDIT 2: Area57 has pointed out that the launcher can also be used with the Strateg version, you just have to log into Patreon inside the launcher. 

Thanks for your continued support!!!

Changelist:  http://trapquest.com/2019/10/07/trap-quest-release-10-version-6-1/ 

Strateg version: https://cloud.area57.info/index.php/s/B7FkTN6KtzeCG6g

Alpha content in this version is walled behind the August unlock file. Next version's stuff will use the new October unlock file (not yet published).

For those of you who don't use the Strateg window, and play the game on a Windows PC, we'd love it if you could test out this new launcher that area57 has created, and give us your feedback. It allows you to select a character window and download a version of the game, then open it in Windows Git directly from the launcher, and checks for updates every time you open it.

Launcher: https://cloud.area57.info/index.php/s/TQLauncher


Eric Hslew

the launcher doesn't seem to open once installed but ill double check its not somthing on my end

Notalie Portman

Your new gender option makes me feel really good about being a patron. You’re a good one, Aika.


I'm having the same issue with the launcher not starting after installing it


I don't understand the advantage of using the launcher as opposed to just starting the game.


The main idea is that it's more accessible for newbies. Lots of people struggle to get their heads around game files and interpreters and so on. It also describes the contents of each character window in a bit more detail. The other thing is that it automatically informs you of new versions when you open it.


If unrelated questions are ok, as a newbie Beta patron, I'm curious as to what's actually in that version and what I'm imagining. The Restricted Features page says the wonderfuller clothing overlay is Alpha-only right now, but it definitely overlays some of the clothing. Is the RF page just a bit out-of-date, or is this like only a partial clothing overlay to what the alpha version is? Same or some Barbara scenes and the ritual beads, i could swear I''ve seen them but the RF page says it's alpha. Sorry for the tangent, thanks!


Sorry, the answer is that the RF page probably has some mistakes. I need to take a look at it.


my computer (windows 10) is flagging the program as containing a trojan, so i cant move it or open it to even use it

Robert Stiteler

If you are running Windows 10 you need to run it as an administrator for it to start, what I did was right click on the shortcut, go to properties (usually at the bottom of the list) and then in the compatibility tab clicked the choice to "always run as administrator".

Robert Stiteler

Haven't tested it on my windows 8.1 or Windows 7 partitions yet, once I do I'll post whether it is the same.


Thanks for testing it for us, this is exactly why I released it to patrons first!

Eric Hslew

after downloading the old version then the new one it seems to work though it needs a progress bar while its downloading a game version or at least a % indicator

Eric Hslew

my pc win10 just popped up windows defender after clicking the installer. clicking show more info an option to run anyway became visible


Yes that's normal with all executables downloaded from the internet I think


The area57 launcher link is "file not found"


Yeah I can't seem to download the launcher. Is there a new link for it?


Launcher link seems outdated, leads to a "File does not exist." page.


Sorry to repeat what's already been said, but the link for the Strateg set seems to be out of date. Also, thank you for all your lovely smutty work, Aika. ♥