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Hey there!  Thank you to all the patrons who answered the survey and I feel like I should publicly reflect on some of the findings.

Firstly, the stuff that's actually important.  Over 70% of you are more than happy about how the game is changing over time which makes me feel reassured!  I'm glad I'm doing something right.

A big 30% of you didn't feel like you wanted to select any of the answers about engagement which means I'm hesitant to draw many conclusions from it; I think I'm going to try making more posts and see how they are received.  I'll probably give them a tag in the title so people who want to make an email inbox rule to filter them to junk mail can do so.

I was very surprised that lactation is one of the top three most popular options, I didn't realise this at all.  I'll endeavour to work harder on this because it hasn't had any love from me personally in a long long time.  50% of you are loving the 'fashion victim' mode and 50% is a good amount of you to classify it as one of the things "most important to you".  I'm eager to plan more and more game balance around this concept of clothing being less permanent so at least 50% of you should be very happy.

It seems that the majority of voters want more variety and depth to existing content over new content.  This is cool and understandable and I'll try to focus more effort into this.  I'm worried it won't make for such exciting changelists though.  And I'm still going to start work on the next region soon no matter what people say!

It looks like most of you are fine with or apathetic about balance but last time I did a survey the number of people saying "too easy" and "too hard" were about the same and this time there was pretty much nobody saying "too easy".  So that gives me some idea of which way to push things.

When we look at big features that would take me a while to implement, it was the ones relating to varied ways to interact with NPCs which were popular.  That's interesting and I'll bear that in mind the next time I decide to start working on something big!

3.5% of you have two X chromosomes which is actually an increase on a couple of years ago, I think!  I guess a game with a focus on being feminised mainly appeals to people who have lived the beginning of their lives as a man?  Also,  50% of you biological ladies are lesbians.  But then with such a small sample size this could just be a coincidence.

There was an extremely strong correlation between being a transwoman / non-binary individual and wanting a (discreet) lifetime supply of all the BDSM / bimbo clothing and paraphernalia you could ever want over $5000.  I wonder if this has something to do with social class.

We seem to have a pretty normally distributed population in terms of vague political leaning which is cool, with a spike towards the people identifying as extremely left wing.  The patriotism results are similarly normally distributed.

The most popular superpower was invisibility with hair-trigger orgasms.  This is very interesting because in fact I think it's the most extreme drawback - all the rest are optional, you could just never use your power.

Over 60% of you would dive into the mind-bending virtual reality bimbofying game, which would quite probably change your life into a 24/7 sex-crazed clownfiesta.  You're all mad.

Twice as many people wanted to save Joss Whedon's creations over Dan Harmon's.  I guess I should have expected since Joss has such a large number of classic creations to his name, including Buffy and Firefly.  But since Rick and Morty is still pretty much Flavour of the Month I wasn't too sure.  Interesting to see though!

Anyway thank you for participating, I think it has been a valuable experience that will help me move forward and keep as many of you happy as possible!

Love from Aika


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