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page 19 is done! man i have a lot to explain for the days that passed but definitely some obvious changes here which took an unexpected amount of time due to just my lack of understanding perspective. It's a shit excuse for the time it took, i know, but i don't want to drown you guys with all the real life affairs so i'll just give a quick run down. After getting kicked in the ass after exams and being sick, i'll be honest, it was hard to ignite just getting back to work again. Not that i don't like drawing, don't get me wrong because it's far from that, it's mostly having the energy to do it was the problem and prioritizing time as well since life and physiology don't give a shit about how you feel or want sometimes.

Many of you always tell me to take my time especially under these circumstances which is much appreciated as always, but i always feel the need to provide you guys the minimum on what's happening on my end to make sure you guys arent in the dark and that i'll try to make this a 2 way conversation as much as possible c: which is how a conversation should always be x) I'll be updating a WIP for page 20 as soon as possible as try to squeeze in one more pic this month if possible. hope you guys like! not much to say on this particular piece in general other than what was previously mentioned on perspective issues :o

also just headsup on the Lapis and Gaz votes, i definitely have an idea established for what i want to do with lapis in her scenario and now i'm just testing out thumbnail shots with it to see if i want it in solo pieces or another short comic/set kind of deal



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