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first off, i know the resolution is jacked up, but theres a reason! I'm trying to stay a bit more "commited" to doing thumbnail sketches, especially for a comic since i feel storyboarding would be a lot easier to not only find a direction to where the pages are going, but also to compose it in a quicker fashion. so far i'm enjoying it! did some personal junk here and there just to get the flow going and then tried doing it with the Ruby comic! however doing this definitely confirmed to me that making this comic was mostly difficult (which ive reiterated time and time again) is these faceless guys and lack of spatial awareness.

i've reaaaaallly made a huge mistake in not giving them some facial identity and no background because i can't get over the same thing i keep whining about on how difficult it is to compose a picture all the time and somehow make the faces out of picture x) so maybe i may decided to slowly creep their faces along throughout the comic, try to make it natural (or not), that way i could probably do some more perspective junk in this c: anyway, that's only a thought for now but i hope you all enjoy! tried to expose a little more of that peachy bum :3



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