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Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64548439

Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/battle-of-part-2-64785102

Part 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/battle-of-part-3-67312625

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The spaceship’s interior would be crowded were it fully staffed; with only the captain and first mate at their stations, it feels too large. There are no roses, no conveniently located books of poetry: it has more in common with the generic set of Spaceballs than with the scene of a romantic encounter. Only the glimpse of space through the curved front window prevents the atmosphere from coming across as too sterile.

A deep, disembodied voice sounds over the electronic bloops and beeps of the command deck.

Disembodied-Voice-That-Is-Definitely-Not-Just-Gil-Speaking-An-Octave-Lower: Space, what humans consider to be the final frontier, but only because they believe that theirs is the only universe. This is the dream date of Taliaferro Parker, her mission to win the heart of “Button” Wiseman and thus boldly prove herself to be their One True Soulmate and Ultimate Canon Match.

Ferro’s Voice, Also Disembodied: Try again.

Disembodied-Voice-That-Is-Definitely-Not-Gil: Not all that long ago, in a dimension far, far away. It is a dark time for Taliaferro Parker. Although she’s currently engaged, a demonic force has driven the intrepid strategist from her love and . . .

Ferro’s Voice: Gil, stop plagiarizing the intro. My female counterpart deserves an original introduction.

Disembodied-Voice-That-Is-Probably-Gil: I’m Gil Harrison, and welcome to a new season of “Truest Love Quest!” And by new, I mean really new. It’s a new timeline, and we’re in a new spectacular dream dimension, and most importantly a new bachelorette trying to win the heart of everyone’s favorite protagonist.

Sally’s Voice: Now you’re copying the last season of The Bachelor.

Gil’s Voice, No Longer Lower Than Usual: Am not.

Nick’s Voice: Dude, you added “Harrison” to your name.

Gil’s Voice: Did I? Perhaps you imagined that bit.

Ferro’s Voice: I swear, if you want something done right . . . Fine. I’ll do it myself.

Gil’s Voice: You can’t just take over my show.

Ferro’s Voice: Watch me.

He clears her throat.

Ferro’s Voice: This is the incredible, mind-blowing fantasy date between my other self and the light of both my lives: “Button” Wiseman. Or should I say sci-fi date? Because in space, no one can hear you scream with pleasu—

Kenna’s Voice, Quietly Exasperated: Let’s just start.

The scene of the spaceship unfreezes, its two cast members seemingly unaware of the time that’s passed as the “narrators” debated.

Seated at the helm, Talia’s head turns so that she stares out the curved window into the vastness beyond, the twinkle of stars so close that their colors can be differentiated. These stars aren’t the faint white glimmers visible to an earthbound stargazer, but rather possessing varying sizes and ranging in luminosity from fading reds to burning blues, with greens, yellows, and oranges in between.

Talia: The stars are beautiful tonight, aren’t they, Captain?

Ferro’s Voice: Seriously? That’s my opening line? We talked about this beforehand! What a cliché. They’re in space; there’s no night/day cycle. She should’ve—

Kenna’s Voice: Shush.

Unable to hear their commentary, Talia continues to gaze out the window.

Talia: John Keats called the stars steadfast, but they age and die just as we do. Janelle Monae sang that there are no rules on the moon, yet we still had gravity pulling us down last time we had a picnic there. At least there were no ants.

Captain Button: What’s your point?

Talia: Only that not even poets truly understand space.

Captain Button: What about astronomers?

Talia: Heavens no! Keats and Monae understood things much better than scientists.

Captain Button: Someone’s feeling philosophical today.

Talia gives them a small smile.

Talia: Perhaps. Being out here alone makes me feel a little melancholy. Or maybe it’s nostalgia.

Captain Button: Nostalgia for what?

Talia: Our apartment back on earth, perhaps.

Captain Button: We still share quarters on the ship, and it’s not like our condo is much bigger.

Talia: True, but it’s not the same when we’re galivanting around the cosmos. You know, I used to hate chores like grocery shopping and cleaning. Since you, I miss doing the mundane together.

Gil’s Voice, in a bored whisper: Their conversation feels extremely mundane, if I might offer my five cents. Taliaferro chose to have a date in space, and she’s wasting it discussing grocery shopping?

Ferro’s Voice: Have some faith in me.

Still heedless to their commentary, Talia flips a switch. The protective plating that protects the cockpit slides open, transforming the area into an observation deck.

Captain Button: You’ll make us vulnerable to an attack by Vengeance space pirates!

Talia: We’ll be fine. Besides, I miss dancing with you like we do at home.

Captain Button: You mean when I’m vacuuming and you grab me from behind and start swaying?

Talia: Waltzing, my dear. Waltzing. But yes, I miss that. And the way you wield the feather duster.

Talia flips another switch, and Captain Button’s hair drifts outward as the gravitational field on the ship is turned off.

Captain Button: What are you doing? The rest of the crew will be here soon.

Talia unbuckles herself from the navigation chair and pushes off with her feet towards the captain’s seat. She holds out a hand for them.

Talia: Dance with me, Starlight. Like we do back home.

Captain Button: The vacuum will feel left out.

Talia: Somehow, it’ll cope with its jealousy.

Captain Button laughs and unclips their seatbelt.

Normally, floating in space would be chaotic, but this is Talia’s dream. The two come together without any awkward upside-downness, wrapping their arms around each other and swaying midair to a melody that only the two of them can hear.

Talia: This is what every day feel like when we’re together.

Captain Button: Like we’re dancing?

Talia: Like we’re dancing among the stars. Weightless, a little dizzy. A freefall into you.

Captain Button: Talia . . .

Talia: It doesn’t matter where we end up or what names we possess, Captain. I’ll follow wherever you lead.

Their lips gently touch. The scene refreezes mid-kiss, turning the brief moment into a snapshot of something eternal and unbreakable.

Ferro’s Voice: Which is what makes ME the perfect first mate.



I haven't played that far into Glitch's romance (one of their reactions during the Podium setups makes me irrationally anxious) but this was really sweet. To be completely honest, I had expected something a lot flashier considering the setting and Glitch's typical intensity, so it was a nice surprise to see a more quiet, intimate moment play out between Talia and Button here. Very romantic. Personal highlight: The apartment. Not sure how much insight we'll be getting into our Button's future, but a shared living space with their RO sounds like a very satisfying perspective. In that context, I also enjoyed Glitch's point about chores and the tiny, mundane joys of a simple life together. Happy, committed, settled, being each other's greatest adventure. And, if need be, making up new ones to add a little spice... or, in this case, space. Sounds like they're living the dream together. 💫 While I'm heavily biased towards Rosy, this was a great date and if the jury is even remotely responsible, it should be hard for them to ignore Glitch's valid claim to the Canon LI throne.


I honestly thought it was going to be a lot flashier, too! Glitch kinda surprised me with this one (and Glitch doesn't often surprise me, because Glitch and I get each other whereas other characters--*coughROSYcough*--I have to work a little harder to understand).


"This is what every day feels like when we're together" 🥺💖


Honestly, I was so sure you’d give us something inspired by Star Trek or typical space opera clichés. Like “Galaxy Quest” – which I love. But as an introvert who can be a bit intimidated by Glitch’s raw energy and the (comparatively) fast pace of their romance, this truly made me appreciate them a lot more from a character standpoint. I’m curious to see whether it’ll be similar for the other or if there are certain dealbreakers I hadn’t considered before. But even stuff like that only adds to the experience. RE: Rosy, I think I understand. For me, Glitch and Nick are instant BFF material character-wise whereas Rosy is that one ridiculously mean-looking cat that makes me laugh and go: “You, gremlin. I will be your problem and your problem alone. Suffer me well.” And then I poke and prod it until it lets me pet its belly.