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In this post, I will (attempt to) explain how one chapter becomes three. Because, as you may already know, Chapters 15 thorough 17 were originally all meant to just be Chapter 15.

Basically, it's like magic! Really wonky magic where the rabbits keep getting lost and then transforming into giraffes.

To simplify my explanation of the process, I’m using a mock timeline. This isn’t at all an accurate timeline, as most of these last two weeks passed in writer’s fugue of frantic reworks, and I’m honestly still coping with the fact that it’s no longer December 5th. (That being said, I’ve spent most these past two days catching up on sleep, and it’s been glorious.)

One thing to be aware of is that almost all these new decisions came while I’m fixing code. Bugtesting requires that I look again and again at the material, and this is very hard for me to do without wanting to change things.

Day 1:

Chapter 15 is written! It’s going to be released on time! I’m feeling good! Amazing, even! (Let’s all take a moment to laugh at my November self.) There are bugs, sure, but code can be fixed in time, right? (Wrong.)

This version of Chapter 15 includes the break-in scene, a short interrogation with Reese, followed almost instantly by Honeybunch’s reveal. (Honeybunch being Noh and Noh being Character XYZ, but I personally am referring to them as Honeybunch right now because I always sweettalk to small children. And this Ment’s current decision-making skills? Toddler-level. What were they thinking, risking their identity to just to save Button? Sweet but stupid, Honeybunch. Sweet but stupid.)

Day 2:

I get the notion to use a blueprint for the breaking-and-entering scene, in order to make it feel more like an actual heist. This added image requires a lot of rework, and still hasn’t been fully implemented (as I still need to make the actual blueprint).

Day 3:

An engineer friend rudely informs me that, no, a drone likely can’t lockpick a door, even if you use a K’nex set to construct T-rex arms for it and then put super strong magnets on the end of those arms. As a result, I take out a few scenes involving Glitch’s drone for a rework, because I’m really attached to those T-rex arms and need to figure out how not to give them up.

My attempts to discover whether fun-size Buttons can fit down a coal chute proves futile, and I send out an urgent message to everyone on my contact list asking whether they’ve ever seen a coal chute in real life and, if so, did they ever attempted to slide down it as a child.

Understandably, my number gets blocked by an ex Tinder-date.

Day 4:

You know what would be fun? Prohibition-era tunnels!

Mostly because Prohibition-era tunnels are cool, but also because Kenzie having prior knowledge of an entrance would cement a certain connection that they have to the house. I use this latter point to justify their inclusion, even though the first point is my main motivation.

(At this point, Chapter 15 is scheduled for release.)

Day 5:

Look . . . if Button and Kenzie are trapped in a tunnel, they have to a kiss, right? It’s a dramatic imperative that all writers must follow: Thou shalt not cruelly cast your protagonists into a dismal and dank tunnel without allowing them to smooch.

Day 6:

In addition to adding romance scenes with Kenzie, I need to rework the previously planned interrogation scene with Reese, as it now takes place in bootlegger tunnels instead of a simpler secret basement. I also realize that, given the length of the new material, the tunnel scene should probably be the start of a new chapter.

Chapter 15 becomes Chapters 15 and 16.

Day 6:

Huh. Okay.

In addition to abundant miscoding (*hide_reuse command, why don’t you love me??), something about the transported scene is falling . . . flat.

Thus, I keep adding stuff to Vengeance’s evil villain speech. Then deleting the stuff. Then adding different stuff. All while breaking the code with each new scene.

Day 7:

Finally, I realize what’s wrong: Vengeance doesn’t share their plan with Button before Honeybunch drops into the room like a psychedelic batman. Without an urgent imperative to fix something, Button doesn’t really have a compelling reason to work with Honeybunch.

Yes, they just saved Button, but also Honeybunch is a jerk.

Day 8:

Vengeance’s monologue transforms from space-filling gloating into something completely different that’s actually plot relevant, and includes the actual reveal about what they intend to do with Nick. I like this reveal and feel like it deserves some space to breathe, to let the ramifications of the plan sink in for readers.

Chapter 16 becomes Chapters 16 and 17.

Day 9:

Given that Button just had a (figurative, this time) bomb dropped on them, I decide that there needs to be some space between Vengeance’s reveal and Honeybunch’s appearance. At this point, however, I just want to get the dang thing out.

And so, the first reveal is out.

Am I happy with it? Not really! Upon reading over the scene, I definitely think that it’s too soon and the reveal will be better after Button gains insight into Honeybunch’s motivations.

I’m going to rewrite Chapter 17’s beginning completely before moving on with the story. so that this first reveal will be pushed back until Button and Honeybunch find Nick. (Brownie points go to anyone who can figure out who’ll be playing the role of “limp body” in this new scene!)


Chigusa Eyes

psychedelic batman is my new fave description, jo, bless 🙌 🙏 I'm very excited to see this new scene too~


Limp body brother?? 🥺 nick 💕 I miss him 😭


Honestly.. I love that line drop from Button "did I ever tell you about the time Nick telepathically called me from New York?" and it's not even a lie and it was mentioned before, so WE all know he isn't even really bluffing and Reese has this implied "oh shit" moment. Maybe we will die, but at least Reese fucked himself just as hard. HAHAHA Honeybunny! ... or sth. *throws you a kiss and a "sweet dreams and swift fingers!"* Also, don't forget to stretch your hands, fingers and wrists to prevent problems!


Tbh I’m worried about Gray. He’s leading UCRT in the search for Nick, but he doesn’t know that waking Nick up could be dangerous right now. And remember Sally’s vision about him? I bet something’s Gonna Happen 👀