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If you're on the Sanctum discord (which I highly suggest you join to receive mini-update news!), you may noh that all of Chapter 16 was posted yesterday, and yet Noh's reveal was nohwhere in sight. I'll have a post on Friday about all the changes made that resulted in the reveal's many delays, but I suspect that no one cares overmuch to read that right now when the actual reveal itself is nohw out.

(Don't hate me for the repetitive puns, my timeframe to use them is running out.)

The important thing: Chapter 16 and Noh's reveal scene in Chapter 17 are now in the demo.

Before you click the link, however, I do have a few favors to ask:

1) Please keep discussion of Noh's identity off social media so as not to spoil the plot for others.

2) On the Sanctum discord, please use spoiler tags everywhere, even the Conspiracy channel (this isn't what I originally said, but then I realized that people could get accidentally spoiled by thumbing down on a notification).

3) It's possible that Noh's reveal won't be a reveal for you. You'll still get the same scene, but unless you've played through a certain past scene, you won't have the context to conclude Noh's identity. Don't worry, you'll have a later opportunity to unmask them.

4) Please be kind. Noh may not be who you wanted or expected, but it's always been a part of the story. 

Demo Length: 478,000

Average Playthrough: 112,000 words

Current Link: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-keepsake/mygame/

Other Notes:

Noh's current reveal doesn't really work great with all the new tunnel-related changes in my opinion (I'll post on all that later), and the next update will have it occuring at the end of Chapter 17 instead of the beginning (at a different location). 

Despite these issues, I've worked in the earlier, pre-tunnel version because I'm not a totally terrible human being that does nothing but tease and wanted to share the promised reveal as soon as possible (which, admittedly, hasn't been very soon).

It's also currently impossible for Kenzie to break free in Chapter 17, because I'm focusing on one path at a time.



My button is now in so much trouble... Well, I wouldn't have guessed before this chapter. I had my suspicions about a certain element of the story but I quickly dismissed them. And I was thinking of someone else all along! Feel like I finally opened my eyes 😳 It was a good surprise!

Svetlana Morgun

I was a bit sad at first, but after some consideration - nope, not anymore ^^. It actually makes them even more interesting (and I thought the heights have been already reached >< ^^;). They're certainly still my favorite character 🥰. P.S. And here I was, so sure that I most likely won't romance Noh... ^^;;


I feel so dumb after reaching the reveal and I’m not even mad about it 😂😂😂 My mind absolutely refused to even consider them amongst the suspects and that’s totally on me omg


All I can say is OMG. I suspected the reveal as much but dang. I literally gasped out loud at 3 am in the morning while reading the update 😂 I never post anywhere but I had to say - I'm loving every moment of this spectacular story.




I don't understand and dont have the time today to keep playing to figure this out. ughggh


How have I still not figured out who it is despite reading the demo like five times


Mine my heart of hearts is telling me it's a red herring even though it probably isnt!!!


HOLY SHI— Not me out here thinking I was never gonna romance Noh 🤪


it's tough because the Kent and Grayson romances are SO GOOD... but I need to know, I'll try it thanks!


This makes me feel super dumb. I can’t get the Noh reveal, nor do I have any firm guesses as to who it is. 😂🤦‍♀️


I’M SCREAMING. I finally played through this update and I AM DEVASTATED THAT I DIDN’T REALIZE SOONER. Apparently a lot of people figured it out before the big reveal?? How??? WHAT ARE THE CLUES???? I’m definitely going to replay this and shift through the story with a fine toothed comb until I figured out why people were able to figure it out because it honestly blew my mind. Also, your work is amazing. Stay healthy!