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There weren’t all that many funny bloopers this time, but I did let Button go a wee bit feral in this latest Chapter and had to reign them back (Mind Blind is PG-13, after all). Here are the options that didn’t make the cut due to being overly violent.

So, uh, read at your own discretion.

* * * *

You wait until Andy touches the dial before dropping the EMP device into the air vent. Immediately, there’s a blue flash, followed by a sizzle and Andy’s shrill scream.

Andy clutches his now red and raw hand to his chest, and you’re appalled to discover that the smell of burning flesh smells like a Wendy’s hamburger.

* * * *

Andy already has a weak spot—his hand, which you broke last night. Without giving him time to react, you grab the fingers protruding from his cast and yank.

Kent and Reese both wince at Andy’s shrill scream, but neither intercedes.

You lean so close that your nose almost touches Andy’s. “Accuse me again. I dare you.”

* * * *

You reach for the only pointy thing available—the black King on Reese’s chess board. You grip its body like a shiv, so that only the crown protrudes. It’s not sharp, but it could poke a pretty green eye out.

Reese snorts. “How very intimidating,” she says sarcastically. “I’m ever so distraught.”

That’s it. With all your might, you shove the King towards Reese’s left eye.

Unfortunately, your aim is off. Your fist instead ends up half way in her mouth, the chess piece having cut her lower lip.

For a moment, no one speaks, too horrified by the bizarre vignette which has played out.

Then Andy grabs his gun.

* * * *

Realizing that the pistol you wield is without bullets, you settle for Plan B: lobbing the gun at Reese’s head.

* * * *

Realizing that the pistol you wield is without bullets, you settle for Plan B: picking up the chair and slamming it over Reese’s head.

Forget Hemera, your codename should’ve been The Undertaker.

* * * *

Realizing that the pistol you wield is without bullets, you settle for Plan B: kicking the leg out from Reese’s chair so that she sprawls across the ground.

Rosy taught you the move, after all.



Plan b:smash


Reconsider adding the Rosy callback back in 😂 There’s nothing better than a violent callback.

Skippy Hugo

No no no. Those last two should ABSOLUTELY be in there. Especially the last one, since the Rosy reference.


A wEnDy’S hAmBuRgEr?!


The Wendy's hamburger joke just reminds me of a crack conspiracy my friends and I came up with while really drunk....which is that Wendy's is owned and operated by Wendigos


The amount of times the director had to cut the scene cause the button’s just have too much suppressed feelings that needs to be let out in every different form and outlet, especially with violence 😌


when i read the gun had no bullets, i did IMMEDIATELY want my button to pistol-whip reese lmao i love it being phrased as "lobbed it" so much more tho but honestly, the chair thing is also So Goddamn Good.. anD THE WENDY'S HAMBURGERS...... god, i wish so many of these stayed lmao

Stephanie Beth

Pretty sure after reading this that it is confirmed that Button comes with a side order of whupass. This is so very pleasing.