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Happy Labor Day Weekend for all those in the States!

First, here’s the roadmap for September (dates subject to being shifted, but everything will be released in September):

Sept 4: Delivery for the Damned Poll

Sept 5: Mind Blind Update (Chapter 13, Isaiah’s missing scene)

Sept 7: Delivery for the Damned Teaser

Sept 8: Lady Death’s Diary, Chapter 19

Sept 10: Writer’s Blog

Sept 11: Mind Blind Short Story #1

Sept 12: Nick Wiseman Has Opinions (UCRT+)

Sept 13: Mind Blind Blooper Reel

Sept 15: Lady Death’s Diary, Chapter 20

Sept 16: Mind Blind Update (Chapter 13, All – Personal Word Goal: 390k)

Sept 17: Writer’s Blog

Sept 18: MB Another Perspective Side Story (UCRT+)

Sept 21: Mind Blind Saucy Side (Kenzie)

Sept 22: Lady Death’s Diary, Chapter 21

Sept 24: Writer’s Blog

Sept 25: Mind Blind Update (Chapter 14, Part 1 – Personal Word Goal: 415k)

Sept 26: Live Q&A

Sept 28: Mind Blind Short Story #2

Sept 29: Cast Interview

I included my personal word goals on the road map this time. Not because I think they’re particularly relevant (wordcount isn’t really a good indication of how long an update will feel, given that the amount of branches can vary). But publicizing my deadlines and word count goals is an effective way to keep myself accountable. I won’t always meet the projections, especially given my tendency for last minute ah-ha! moments and rewriting, but it’s a goalpost to run towards.

(Delivery for the Damned awaits at the finish line. I’m not used to putting off new ideas in order to actually . . . finish something. Sure, Lady Death’s Diary is a completed manuscript, but writing the first draft of a novel is exponentially easier and less of a time commitment than a piece of Interactive Fiction.)

I’ve always been someone who gets swept away by the shininess of a brand-new project and cast of characters. Honestly, if I hadn’t taken the leap and shared Mind Blind online, I probably would’ve started and shelved at least five other projects by now. So I owe you guys a huge thank you for keeping me accountable and helping me achieve my lifelong dream of actually being a writer that people read (as opposed to a writer with two dozen unfinished manuscripts).

Despite my past bad habits of jumping ship for new shores (Does that metaphor hold up? I don’t think so.), we’re close enough to the end that I can fully envision Mind Blind’s final scenes. Which is exciting! (And a little bit scary, because after finishing comes -ugh- editing.)

Of course, after editing comes publishing, and after publishing comes Delivery for the Damned!

(I’m really excited for Delivery, in case you guys can’t tell. It’s unlike me to sit so long on an idea, and the concept only gets more intriguing to me the longer it percolates in my brain.)



Good luck! Make sure to take enough breaks sensei?


I promise! My mom's coming down for my birthday so I'm taking the 19th off ^_^


Oh man, I’m so excited yet so sad at the prospect of Mind Blind ending!! I’ve grown attached to the all the characters. But I’m sure it’ll be a relief to finally start writing a new project!!