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Schrodinger will get his own poll slot next month, I promise. But for now, I'm sticking with humans.

Annie and Cass were never meant to be a serious option, but I learned my lesson in that people always vote for the animals (who am I kidding, I would've voted for them too). And I did really enjoy writing their interview, despite the trickiness of the language barrier.

For September, however, I'm sticking with the two-legged kind of people. So vote for the character(s) you'd like to ask questions of below!

(If one of the previously interviewed ROs wins, I'll be setting them up with a new interviewer and it'll likely be one who has the most leftover questions that I wasn't able to include in the first interview).

(Personally, I'm hoping that Reese and AL emerge victorious, if only so that Nick can rub it in Reese's face that they lost in the poll to dogs last month.)



I’m just saying, y’all…Clarence has seen things. He knows some shit. I’d bet all of Nick’s cookie dough on it.

Chigusa Eyes

I need to witness Reese's reaction to being told about the doggos in Real Time


Team Vengeance, but only if Caleb can be included because I want him to annoy Anliz as much as humanly possible 😈


I know their answers would be interesting but honestly I just want Reese to suffer the humiliation of losing for a few more months. Especially if they lose to a cat as well as two dogs