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This is the Chapter that never ends 

Yes it goes on and on, my friends!

Some writer started writing it 

And wrote all about the loves

But she'll keep on updating it 

Tomorrow just because

Chapter 12 is over 45,000 words

But now 31,000 is now out

Have you heard?

And I realize that this post 

Won't make any sense

 Unless you watched Lamb Chop

And all of his friends as a kid

So I'm going to stop typing

But will take a moment for hyping

Because you can now break up with Sally

And Rosy reveals some of their backstory

Anyway now here is the link

It'll lead you to the game if you click

And I need to stop singing this song in my head

Otherwise I'll keep on singing it until I'm dead. . . 

(Okay, though. Seriously stopping now. Chapter 12 still has the last 15,000 words that need to go up with Glitch's and Kenzie's scenes, but Rosy's portion is up!)

Wordcount in Current Online Build: 357k 

Average Playthrough: 89,000 words 

Link: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-geode/mygame/

Link to the Song, Just in Case You Don't Get the Reference and This Post has Convinced You that I'm Unhinged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4ztfrr8fls



Adorable rosyyyy


And just like that, im reminded of a long lost childhood memory


Wait, break up with Sally? What monster would ever do that?? 😟🥺

Skippy Hugo

I quickly did the option to break things off with Sally to see how it goes, and I've only felt that level of anxiety when I was reading Looking for Alaska. Sally and Kenzie are my fave RO's, but I'm very VERY partial to Sally.


I wanted to add in my scene now with the therapist she hones in on the fact my Button blames herself for a lot of the things that have gone wrong and tells her what she is feeling isn’t guilt but shame— that is an EXACT conversation I’ve had with a real therapist before and that whole exchange was SO well written and realistic. Now excuse me because I must romance the prickly man before my boyfriend’s date chapter is updated!!!! (Aka Kent 😩🖤)


It's good to hear that sohvi's part hit home! The intervention got a lot of rewrites :)