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Henri(etta) Galbraith is a . . . well, the term “mad scientist” is outdated. Henri isn’t interested in reanimating the dead or marrying a pigeon. Rather, they’re a visionary whose experiments constantly blur the boundary between science and magic.

Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law stating that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic? Henri knows that’s bunk. Magic and technology are completely different things, which is why dark magic flares from Hell so often shut down Henri’s computer when they’re playing an MMORPG. That being said, Henri has resolved to be the first scientist ever to quantify the effects of magic on the human body. They will pioneer the field of magical medicine, even if they have to use themselves as the test subject.

To pay for their laboratory, Henri operates Dublin's premier illegal pharmacy, with Delivery’s MC bringing them ingredients ranging from chamomile to dragon blood to crystal meth. The term “drug lord” has been bandied about by rival scientists, but Henri considers naysayers to be narrow minded (and mysteriously short-lived).

Henri’s real last name is unknown.

Henri is currently planned as gender variable. Whether or not they’ll be romanceable remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: Henri is much, much more dangerous than their warm brown eyes and oversized spectacles may lead you to believe.


Chigusa Eyes

oh no they have brown eyes and glasses too? aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh i love them 😭💖


So THEYRE the reason Dublin is full of junkies 😂 sir, I just wanna walk the quays in peace!