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There's a critical error bug that quicktest isn't catching in Sally's route, but with two minutes to midnight I wanted to at least update the bits that I've got working correctly! I'd planned on updating Rosy's route as well, but have spent the past several hours combing through Sally's scene look for extra spaces. (It took me about twenty minutes before I remembered that Microsoft Word has the option to show formatting, which expedited the process but still hasn't solved my coding problem. The fixed version should be up in a few hours, but by then it won't be Monday.)

New Material: Sally's Date Scene (cuts short right before Nick's bit, due to that hinky something going on with the code). 

Link: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-geode/mygame/



God my heart went Doki Doki at Salome

Skippy Hugo

I couldn't stop smiling at the little bit of the Button/Sally relationship.