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After a vigorous round of Discord campaigning (from where I got the above propaganda pictures), it's official. The winners of August's Interview are . . .

Antigone and Cassandra.

That's right, Kenzie's shih tzus, whom I included as a last minute joke when creating the poll, are the actual winners. My joke ended up being on Reese, I suppose, since their ego will never recover.

Annie and Cass will be answering any questions you have about them, their owner, and their owners friends. Ask them on this post, or on the MB Interview Channel via the Sanctum of Spoilers Discord.




Loool serves Reese right


I have two questions 1. What’s your advice for winning your owner’s heart? 2. Who’s the best dogs? Is it you two? Who wants a treat?


Do you like Glitch, girls? Also for future reference: favorite treat?


(also I want it on the record I half expect all the answers to just be 。◕ ‿ ◕。 and that would still delight and amuse me, best interview calling it now)


What is your favorite snack? ♡ and what is the best place for napping?

Skippy Hugo

What are your favourite nicknames for Kenzie and their friends/acquaintances/lovers/father?

Stephanie Beth

If Button were to accidentally show up with a replacement for the extra slobbery Chuck-it, would either of you put in a good word for Button with K?


What do you two think of the cast?


I thought I did not have a question but apparently I’ve got one after all! What are your feelings on beating the Big Bad Guys of the game? It’s no small feat, even if it’s just in a voting poll for the interview spot! (Bet Kenzie is proud of the little ones, especially after what Andy/Liz pulls off after the party grrrr)