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“So how do you like your new home gym?” His dad asked beaming with pride for his son. He and his wife had always known their sons lust for bodybuilding and knew this would be a great gift for him. But his response they heard next they weren’t quite expecting. “ I love it, it’s the best gift I could have ever have wanted. I’m going to use it every day I promise. Not a day will go by and I haven’t been working out, heck I might even move my bed down there and live in there! I’m going to work out to my heart's content because, and I don’t want to scare you guys, but I wanna be huge! I want to be the biggest bodybuilder there has ever been!”

His parents looked at each other, not with concern but with sympathetic looks. “Do your best son well always be proud of you. We know it’s tough but keep at it and maybe in a few years you can join the little league muscle group down at the gym.”

Arian was not joking around no way would he join the “little” league. “No, I mean it!” He replied harshly, taking his parents aback. Arian was a very reserved, polite young man and this was totally not like him, “ I want to become massive, I’m not talking little league I want to become so big the biggest bodybuilders around will look up to me. I want to be huge!! I KNOW I can do it!” His voice wobbled slightly as he was overcome with emotion as he thought his parents and little sister didn’t believe him. He ate the rest of his dinner sulking, keeping his eyes down barely muttering a word before leaving to go back to his gym. “ Just they both wait,” he thought to himself a smile appearing across his face, “ I’ve wished to become bigger and that’s what’s going to happen and nothing they can do will stop me from growing” . Arian worked out long into the night before eventually settling into bed.



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