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Thanks for all the well wishes, ladies and gents. Not 100 just yet, but good enough to get back to work lol. 

Pick FOUR.


Dean Cyphers

One day one of my suggestions will make it! 😂 in the meantime I have two votes to offer up for any movie


Cadmus Lochlan: The Death of Stalin


Pitch Black was a sleeper hit for me. Really fun movie, hope it wins.

Scarlett Monrow

I got two of my suggestions on the list: Pitch Black and Reign of Fire. Yay!


Riddick is VD's best role and Pitch black is a fantastic movie.

Jamie Rees

Glad you are feeling better Jimmy, we got some fine selections this month. Death of Stalin can finally get some shine. Pitch Black the best of the Riddick franchise, filmed in down here in Australia. Reign of Fire, good premise and enjoyable film, it's not a success but not as bad as it initially viewed. You've already been down 21 Jump Street now time for 22.

Cadmus Lochlan

four votes, four people. go!


Fuck me i guess i wasted $15


ugh I don't believe this. Is no one watching danish movies? 🤣 Edit: Okay, it still has a chance.


I haven’t even seen The Hunt, but I threw in my extra vote for it because I’ve heard it’s great and I love Mads Mikkelsen.


alright people vote for rounders — its the only one besides Stalin I’ve enjoyed!


Pitch black, 22 jump street, the hunt, and reign of fire is what i voted for. I didnt expect Reign of Fire on this poll but Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale are amazing in that one, and it has a really cool premise.

Robert Kruger

I went with Pitch Black, Invisible Man, and The Hunt. I really do think that The Hunt will need to be a Jimmy pick in order to beat out other contenders. I will say, however, it's a VERY hard watch. I felt like I got kicked in the balls at least 5 times when I watched it.

Mathew Zimmerman

Havent seen the movie yet but honestly seeing The Hunt get fucking cucked every month for the past year is making it hard not to root for it. I think Jimmy needs to come in and pick it.