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fl succession 2x3.mov - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.



Amazing episode, its kinda pathetic them just shooting the boars getting freed right in front of them. In the explainer after the credits, the showrunner/writer says the whole boar on the floor dinner party was based on Stalin and how he would hold parties with his generals and get them drunk and humiliate them.


Who called it? This guy. Lol, yeah I came across those Stalin stories when I read The Laws of Human Nature. He used to make his top guys dance with one another as he laughed. Poor bastards.


Stalin! Wow. That was embarrassing, so hard to watch , and yet hilarious 😁 😩OK on the POS list I’m going to unabashedly take the Roman thing personally :-) I Kendall Reek Cullen, with his addict coke craving self literally gets a dude killed, peace’s out , and quivers at daddy’s feet; fires a whole bunch of people w/ no severance, whom are probably running around New York on food stamps… but Roman is number three 🤔. Shiv and daddy are the whole list… Because everyone else at least has some version of a soul. Yeah…. Poor Tom. Less painful to pretend it doesn’t exist. 🥲