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Hannibal REACTION - 3x5.mp4



Jack's smile on his face while beatin dat ass is my favorite jack moment. Also #TEAMHANNIBAL


Jack giving Hannibal the beatdown is one of the most satisfying scenes ever...mainly because Hannibal looks actually scared and you can tell for once, things aren't going according to plan for him. As for why Jack fared so much better this time, I'm partially attributing it to him getting the jump on him and starting the fight by throwing him through 2 panes of glass. But he was also more focused like you said. You can see how he learned from his last fight and he strategically changed his game up to make sure Hannibal stayed down and winded and he couldn't resort to any of his old tricks.

Ted Cali

I think we all severely overestimated the precise amount of fucking around that Jack came to do.

Ben Trotter

The inspectors wife was in Alias as Jen Garner's character's sister. Guessing that's where you know her from.


She's also in an episode of Person of Interest and in the Strain I think.


Jack is able to get the drop on Hannibal, at least partly, by taking his shoes off which is exactly how Hannibal snuck up on Miriam Lass all those years ago. An excellent touch.