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There is a lot to go over on this page. But I'll save most of that for the character design update. Needless to say, there have been some character redesigns and story placement shuffling. 

The Muradjinn themselves have had a minor update. Still blue....still savage. We do have a central Muradjinn antagonist for this portion of the story. That "lady" holding the heart for our close-up inspection is called the Madrehar. We will see how nasty she is as the chapter progresses. Does the many limbed character next to her seem familiar? While his superficial appearance has changed considerably, he was formerly known as an Oyoyog. ( That was their family name. ) In the new version his name is Rawlse Oslyog; from the Ocellog species. ( What a mouthful! ) And evidently, he is having a terrible time. 

Also, pay special attention to the dialogue. It hints at some setting details. 

On the art side of production, folks.....this chapter is going to get gory. I'll steer away from the more explicit imagery. However, there is going to be a lot of blood. Great gooey gouts of it. 



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