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In the background is the great frontier port of Phuungahie. This once thriving metropolis serves as the Gomradi Empire's capitol on the largely unsettled western continent. However, it's seen better days. Weakened by a mysterious explosion and curse that claimed the city's central fortification, enemies of the Gomradi Empire are starting to press in on the stricken foothold.  Yet, the city remains unbowed. Phuungahie still serves as the primary disembarkation point for troops headed to the frontier garrisons. It's also  home and primary shipyard to the Empire's entire western fleet. We can look forward to exploring the city and it's society in the future. 

You might be asking why, on a world with no actual sea, a city would be called a "port." Next update we will talk a bit about the great moss plains of this world.

Here we have the standard Gomradi soldier of the line. Those familiar with military history will note the obvious similarities to ancient Roman legion armor and gear. ( Not depicted is the pilum style spears as seen in the comic. ) We can assume the Gomradi heavy infantry acts much in the same way as their earth counterparts. The soldiers deploy in shield walls on the battlefield. The chief difference being that armies of the Gomradi empire act more like a Persian or ancient Assyrian army in function.  Meaning, rather than the chopping machine of a Roman legion, Gomradi armies make use of vast blocks of Swete archers to do the bulk of their fighting. In turn, these ranks of vulnerable archers will be protected from direct assault by the heavy armor and shields of the towering Gomradi ranks. This combination of units has proven insurmountable to many of the Empire's foes. Indeed, most non-partner races under Gomradi dominion are kept in line by the mere thought of facing such an overwhelming force. Only the unstoppable Arachants and horrors of the Muradjinn's biological warfare have proven effective at overcoming the Gomradi army in the field. 

The mounted Hopla cavalry serve many purposes on the battlefield. Chiefly they are responsible for protecting the vulnerable flanks of the Gomradi lines. But, as needed, they can harass enemy formations with their heavy bows, harry a fleeing opponent, or scatter stubborn foes with a savage charge. It's the charge that the noble born Gomradi riders relish the most. An armored hopla bounding into a block of hapless enemies is like an explosion. The beast becomes a bucking maelstrom of kicks and violence. It takes all the Gomradi rider's effort to direct the assault; or simply keep from being thrown from the saddle. But, for the young nobles who compose most of the hopla cavalry's ranks that is the thrill they live for.

Hopla occupy an honored place in Gomradi society. Viewed as almost kin to their proud race, the image of a hopla can be found throughout the Gomradi empire. It's visage symbolizing nobility, loyalty, and power. Thus, why the marching standard is decorated with the skins of hopla feet. ( I think they are lucky. ) The gold bust on top of the standard represents the Gomradi Emperor. The metal disks attached to the skins usually signify pledges of loyalty, accomplishments, or merits. There is probably a more unique unit banner somewhere, but it's not depicted on the page. 



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