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A quick notification about changes to Patreon perks. This won't be anything you'll need to worry about as a current patron. Comic posts here will now have an early access delay for none Patreon supporters. Why? Because I'm going to start adding story notes and insights to these comic updates. You, the privileged and noble few, will have access to these notes before anybody else. 


So, a couple of things to say about this page. Art wise, this is probably the first page where greys are coming into play color wise. Rather than brute forcing a shadow or adding levels of black ( Or multiply layers. ) to denote distance, I've been using grey to dull down the colors as they recede into the background. As a bonus it helps to cut down on the "fruitbowl" effect of the brighter colors. I really like how that first panel turned out with the jets contrasting against the distant grey. Also, the greying out effect on Xaun's jet form works well too. I maybe indulging too much into the thruster glows and effects. 

Story wise, we see Xaun switch forms again. It should be obvious that these beings are not constrained to a single form. Her helmet is very reminiscent of Robocop to me. And how about that pinstriping on the hull? Kind of makes me wonder if pinstripes are the "tramp stamp" of the vehicle world. You know, since the back of the spaceship is roughly equivalent to her rump..

Next comic: Finally, something to read again. 



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