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These are the initial designs for Golgoroth's transformed hand and the hand "stage."  

Still early in my attempts to use the ipad for character design purposes. The drawings are relatively loose and compared to the final version there is a visible difference. Golg's "character" hand especially. There is sometimes a vast difference between concept and application. 

A few humorous notes about these designs. In the original planning thumbnails I drew Golg's character hand reversed. Since Golg is using his left hand to make the puppet that would mean the thumb leg would be on the same side as the "stage's" thumb character. This meant I had to redraw a ton of panels and reconfigure the layouts. Geeeeesssshhhh.....

Also, the "stage" finger characters originally had more "realistic" coloring. While walking through a game shop I saw an Attack on Titan game. I realized that the characters looked veerrryyy similar. Now, skinless, bone and muscle  designs are nothing new. But, just to be safe I recolored some portions blue. A kind of lazy way to change it I admit. 



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