Dangerous Terrain Fellas and Regiment Trays! (Patreon)
Hey everyone! A super quick update for today with two topics:
1. Dangerous Terrain Fellas: The designer Autistic on Cults3D took the time to create some human soldiers that are more fit for dangerous terrain and published them as a customizer libraray. I also got the information that the models might become compatible to the tube generator, and I'm really excited for this! A big thank you to the designer, you might want to check out the other designs, too! https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/dangerous-terrain-fellas
2. Movement Tray Generator: One of the easiest Generators I ever did (a movement tray basically consists of 28 mesh elements making the resulting stl file 1484 bytes small), but several people on the discord server wanted this, so I just added it to the generator suite. Just scroll quite down a bit, the generator suite now has 21 different generators.
These topics don't interfere with our release plan and we will continue as planned:
May 26: Surprise!
June 2: Something for Zombicide!
June 9: First release of some space nuns?
June 16: Space Ship Terrain for Space Hunt
June 23: Surprise!
June 30: Something from Ilhadiel (Humans)?