Weapon Customizer (Patreon)
As announced, the weapon customizer is there! Delayed by two days, but it's finally happening!
The basic idea is: Take one of the basic weapons from this first library (or make other weapons compatible, more on that below) and customizer them. Add icons from images, add muzzle flashes, suppressors, scopes, ...
Since I did not manage to create a video for it, have a short written introduction here:
- Update the generator suite to at least 1.2.20
- Open the weapon Customizer (lowest row, on the right)
- Download this basic library: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/basic-weapons-for-the-weapon-customizer
- If you want muzzle flashes, also download this library: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/muzzle-library-for-the-weapon-customizer
- In the Weapon Customizer, as a first thing, select the weapon you want to customizer (should be one from the first library)
- Now, you can go to "Manage Addons"
- Add a new addon by clicking "Add Addon" on the top (the window will re-open)
- All the compatible weapons have defined points where one could add addons. select where you want to have your addon.
- Select whether you want to use an image to add a symbol, or you want to add another mesh like suppressors, scopes, ...
- Select the file (either image or stl file from the libraries above)
- You can now set the size of the generated symbol, and also set the image limits. You can invert the image if you want to have black as the highest points and white as the lowest (or was it the other way around? I can't remember right now...)
- For a mesh, you can set the size and move it upwards or downwards to the surface. The Fit Mesh function scales your addon to fit the size to the place where you add the mesh, usually you don't want to have this but it makes sense if you add a symbol and want it to take the exact available space.
- Close the Addons window after adding all your different addons you want and click on show/re-generate
- Save the model in a library for the customizer and make sure to use the same prefix (Weapon_wo_...) so the customizer will recognize the model
This should be the quick tutorial. If you want to make addons compatible, you just need to place the addon at 0/0/0, pointing upwards (like a muzzle flash shooting upwards, or a magazine being upside down and facing upwards).
If you want to make new weapons compatible, you need to create a .addConf file with the same name as the weapon (actually ths is not limited to weapons but I'd say mostly weapons will be the result of the Weapon Customizer). The file should contain 5-line blocks that look like this:
Icon Right
The first line is just a name how you want to have the position displayed in the Manage Addons window. Line 5 is the size, so images will be automatically scaled to this size and mesh files too, when you select the Fit Mesh option.
Lines 2-4 are the position in XYZ, with the first point being the actual point where it should be placed (e.g. the centre of the muzzle, or the central point of a flat surface for an icon), with line 3 being a point directly in front (the direction basically of where it should point) and line 4 being a point directly below line 2, so the icon is oriented correctly and not rotated upside down. You can use the orientation triangle from the Space Soldiers - Default Library, just place it correctly and read out the positions of the base, front and downwards point in tools like meshmixer and place it in your addConf file.
If you have questions (and I guess there might be some): Ask me anytime! Preferrably in the discord server in the #generators channel but you can also ask me here in a comment or with a direct message. I'm happy to help you with any issues!
That's it for the weapon customizer, stay tuned for the next upates:
May 26: Surprise!
June 2: Something for Zombicide!
June 9: First release of some space nuns?
June 16: Space Ship Terrain for Space Hunt
June 23: Surprise!
June 30: Something from Ilhadiel (Humans)?