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Kacey Asks
When you cover multiple games in one video (such as the Ghost In The Shell video), what's that writing process like? Do you play in release order?

Definitely play in-order of release when possible, to avoid a scenarios of being unable to appreciate a game's design due to dated graphics or controls. Writing process however isn't unlike my normal work. Similar research, playtime, and scripting, of course, the main challenge is finding the thread that connects all games together. One of the things I'm most pleased about my Ghost in the Shell video, is all those games lead to the ultimate point of why those games were lacking.

Super Bunnyhop, Charlie Brooker, and Top Gear taught me you can make a story out of anything, even reviewing a video-game.

OzarkTempses Asks
What differentiates a sim from a game (if there is a hard separation)? Do you think simulations necessarily have to be more complicated than the game they inspire?

It's less complexity, but more to do with necessity. In regular games, there's always sacrifices made in design. Master Chief can't do a lot of things that Spartans could do. He can't prone, crawl, spin, kick, hand to hand, etc. But he does enough things that allow for interesting gameplay.

Meanwhile Sims typically have lots of mechanics, not because they truthfully add anything to the gameplay, but serve the simulation. Most racing sims for instance have ignition and headlight keys, not because everybody will use em, but because cars have them, and they allow for customized kits like this...

The Great Leveler Asks
What is your favorite racing game and why? I haven't played many racing games and I suck at them but I'm really enjoying Wreck Fest right now.

Oh, Wreckfest is a great one! Really happy those Devs were able to make something of that games release, was mocked for being in early access for years. Truthfully, nothing will beat my memories of Gran Turismo 2. But F1 2019 is a great entry point for those looking for something between arcade and sim, though F1 2020 is likely to overtake it.

Favorite racer is honestly hard to pick because the games are so similar, yet different. Even in Sims, no one is perfect. So it's best to just pick em up on sale (which thankfully they often are) and play whichever one suits your particular needs.

ItsDmaster Asks
Thoughts on Valorant if any?

Haven't played it, so don't really have much, except that it reminds me of Shadowrun from 2008. I also hope the people binging it never talked trash about EPIC's connection to Tencent, because already there's some questionable claims about the game's underpinnings.

Ethan McArthur Asks
You've talked about sim racers alot, what's your favourite car and do you have a hobby car irl?

Hard to pick one, as I love obnoxious supercars and quiet beasts like a 90s BMW M5. Hmm. Probably the Koenigsegg CCX. Just adore the style and sound of that monster. Here's the funny part though! I actually don't have a drivers license. I was one of those kids who talked about getting it day one, but when I turned 16, our family went through a pretty tough financial situation that required the car being used for getting to work.

Things only got worse, and my brief time driving in BC wasn't exactly fun, Island have low limits for animals, and cities are laced with jams. So I figured, why spend what little cash I have on a car and its insurance? Especially as I now live in the city, and can get almost anywhere I need to go on foot.

But man, I need to revist a Go-Kart track.

Ferenc Viczmandi Asks
Why do you think Medal of Honor failed to achieve the global success that Call of Duty did?

Because they didn't do nearly enough to differentiate it. Only hardcore players could note its different visuals, mechanics, and multiplayer structure. To the casual onlooker it was just another Hollywood shooter. In a different world, IW's Modern Warfare (2019) would've been a MOH reboot that EA saved in their backpocket for the right time of release.

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The Patyman

Have you thought about doing a “Years Later” on MW2 and 3?


As you're enjoying F1 2019 I was wondering what your thoughts were on the other Codemasters racing series, the Colin McRae/Dirt franchise?