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Mirabell is a witch of the Biencien Covens operating in the Free Timberlands. An ambitious ladykin, the young awoken had always resented being born a simple scrub hare, rather than one of the ascended rabbits of the Mana Forests; the Leverin.

Her arcane attunement manifested early in her life and she showed uncanny power and prowess as a leveret in her humble village. She learned her first spell when she was barely able to walk, and began dabbling in the deeper magics by the time she was six. It was decided early that she needed formal arcane education, lest she fall down a dark and destructive path. In response, the villagers of her lonely home gathered their meager funds and paid for Mirabell’s travel to Atrieno to study at the Librarium Olcadan there. Unfortunately formal study would only increase the girl’s ‘Lust for Power’.

Though Mirabell was an exceptional student; earning her Practitioners certification in spell casting by her fourth yeah, when the average acolyte would take five, Mirabell’s ambitious personality often caused friction with fellow students and professors alike.

The powerful awoken was arrogant and brash, seeing other lesser spell casters as beneath her. She often resented her professors for, ‘holding her back’, with their rules and petty fears. Mirabell often pushed the limits of what was safe or allowed for an awoken of her qualification level. More than once another student was injured or harmed because of her disregard. Though she didn’t care. All that mattered to her was the pursuit of more knowledge and arcane might.

When scandal broke out in the Librarium, and it was found that a witches coven had been growing within the walls of the magic university; none of her contemporaries were surprised to find Mirabell involved with the maleficarum. She, along with others, had been conducting dark rituals and heinous experiments to help further their own power. When the Magus Guard arrived to arrest her for apostasy, she sacrificed several covenmates to empower herself and kill her would be captors. She has been at large, skulking in the shadows of the free lands ever since.



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