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Never in his wildest dreams did Snow ever believe he'd serve as anything more than a merchant. Most of his childhood was spent learning the family business, traveling, and doing chores. His free time was spent reading the fabulous adventures and tales of the heroes of Lioncourt. His favorite being the 'Raven's in the Night' books written by Sir Dameron Swann, a famous Ranger of Lioncourt who had been a member of the Sacred Order of Raven Knights. Sex, courtly intrigue, and the elimination of foreign threats, and wild magical creatures filled the pages of his favorite novels and Snow was forever smitten with the idea of becoming just like the heroes in his stories.

That time seems so long ago now.

Currently Snow is a young member of the Rangers of Lioncourt. Hobnobbing with lords and ladies, and serving closer to the capital before he is trusted on full assignments out in the wilds. Though Snow has longed for adventure, rather than the mundanity he's been up to in his first years in the 'green tunic', he does not complain. His time in the capital has gotten him closer to several handsome lords and ladies of the court. Nobles who find his exuberant enthusiasm and eagerness to serve quite refreshing. Often this leads to him on his backside, hoping to please one lord or another. Though when kin of the caliber of Knight's Commander Glendriel Assyrius come calling, well, Snow is all too happy to spread his tailhole in the name of servicing the kingdom


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