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This is Camden Eridanus a lion from the Aslan Province. She is the daughter of Marquis Harlem Eridanus and the younger sister of weapon master Aritrea Eridanus. She is a Knight Ranger and hopeful to join the ranks of the Raven Knights.

About Rangers of Lioncourt
There are four special units which defend Lioncourt. The Cabal of Crows are an order of magic users under the leadership of High Enchantress Lady Sierra. They are the magical and occult might of the kingdom. Next is the Royal Guard, elite Knights who protect the Royal Family. Each one a handpicked champion from the top of the ranks of the Knighthood. Their skills and talents are the envy of many. Everyone a master swordsman. Their ranks include those trained in swordsmanship, the long staff, the spear, archery and magic as well. Rivaling the Royal Guard in purpose, skill and prestige are of course are the Raven Knights, the defenders of Theria. Their order is widely considered best the Kingdom has to offer. They like the Royal Guard they are made up of many different disciplines, but their objective is a blanket order of protection of the Realm from all things extraordinary and magical. Their ranks include members of the knighthood as well as exceptional fighters from beyond the nobility. They do not stand on titles and bloodlines. Their accomplishments and accolades are too numerous to count. There is but one more group within the Lioncourt Elite, the Rangers. Though not as well known or respected as the previous three illustrious orders; the Rangers are no less important.

To explain what a Ranger is, it is first important to understand where they came from. Long ago, the only Rangers in the land of Theria were that of the Faeorie, within the Forest of Harimal, deep within the Levarin Kingdom. Though it is common to confuse Faeorie with others within Levarin, given that they are all rabbits and hares; it would be a mistake however to think them the same. The Faeorie are the last of the chosen, children of the Eternian’s of old. Elioudan who have kept their bloodlines mostly pure. They are long lived, wise and powerful; they carry the burden of ancient blood and those ancient secrets. Perfectly representative of that legacy are the Faeorian Rangers.
Defending Harimal and the greater outskirts of the Levarin lands, these rangers were the first line of defense against powerful elderian who sought to abuse the riches of their lands.

The Rangers first appeared on the battlefields in the Baptismal of Fire. The Levarin did not wish to get involved in the affairs of the mundane. Back then, it is believed that the Faeorie and in fact all of Laverin would survive the coming cataclysm by the favor of their Eternal Zervai whom had always protected them. That was sadly not the case. The feral dragons laid waste to Harimal and killed many of the Faeorie as it lead the armies of the Stone King against Levarin. The Faeorie's response was to send their Rangers to break the enemy lines, disrupt their advances and assist in driving them out of Levarin. After this was accomplished, the Faeorie pledged their assistance to Alanzia De Lioncourt, the legendary Queen of Hearts, who was rallying the last free kingdoms to the defense of the furkin species.

Though thing seemed bleek, a hero rose from the ranks of his fellow Rangers. Canton the Hero of Ages stood tall in the face of danger. He'd traveled alone, braving the burning planes and ravaged lands to find the sword of Legend; Durendal. Using his skills as a ranger, he eventually claimed the Blade and used it to strike down the feral dragons. His bravery and skill helped turn the tide and prevent the extinction of all the furkin of Theria.

Since the time of Alanzia and Canton, Lioncourt Kingdom has shared a long friendship with the Faeorie. This began the tradition of worthy Lioncourt archers and knights being trained by Faeorie elite Rangers; know as Striders, to be Rangers themselves. Though not as powerful as Faeorie Rangers, the Rangers of Lioncourt are no less dangerous.

Ranger hopefuls are sent to Faeorie to be tested and trained over the course of two years. This process teaches them the skills of a ranger. Archery, swordsmanship, trapping, tracking, infiltration and survival are all essential skills of a Ranger; however, these could be taught by any good scout or hunter. No what makes Rangers different is their magical abilities. They can feel and commune with nature, they are able to call upon the energy of the world, Mana, to increase their stamina, help with the healing of wound and aid them in combat. Rangers are often are thought to be able to commune with the feral and tame them.

Despite the Long history of Lioncourt Rangers, not one in the Kingdom's history has ever achieved the title Strider. The Faeorie believe this cannot be done, as it takes many years of experience to become one, years the more mundane furkin's do not have. Still, the Ranger of Lioncourt are a phenomenal unit, feared in the shadows of Theria.



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