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Within Lioncourt exist a tight nit group of elite warriors known as the Order of the Raven Knights. Founded by the Queen of Hearts, Alanzia de Lioncourt at the end of the 'Baptism of Fire', the Raven Knights protect the realm from threats of an extraordinary or mystical nature. Most members are hand picked by the King himself. Famed for their heroism and bravery, the Raven Knights are well known throughout the lands of Theria. There numbers consist of many well known champions of the land, the most famous being the Borderman Count Adolyn Valenrow of Evandale. Holding the rank of Primus Corvinus of the Raven Knight's despite not officially taking the honored position. His propensity for spending his time adventuring and wandering the borderlands having not stood in the way of his responsibilities to the Order.

Recently, scandal rocked the Order after the former Knight's Captain was found guilty of treason and crimes against the Kingdom. In response the cunning prince Vandell appointed Sir Reese Akagi and the outlander outlander Sir Riyo Vanderleur to Knight's Captain in order to ferret out any other would be descenters. As Master of Ravens, the crowns lliason and benefactors for the Order, Prince Vandell overseas many decisions made in regards to the Order. His choices have been well received as Riyo and Reese are the current face of the unit and are both exceptionally well liked by their fellow knights.

The officers are known as 'The Murder of Crows' and the group consists currently of Sir Adolyn the Crimson Raven, Sir Reese the Night Blade, Sir Riyo the Outlander, Sir Gaz the Stonghammer, Dame Monette the Lilin, Sir Zager the Lightning Fang, Dame Meredith the Singing Spear, Dame Megogo the Stone Wall, Dame Jonah the Blade Breaker, Sir Glendriel the Braver and his brother Sir Cassius the Sure Shot. The group has, in accordance with their alliance with Pandorica allowed one of their red guard into the Order. This is of course the newest member of the Murder of Crows, Dame Vega the Blade Dancer.

Here we see Dame Vega in the Armory of the 'Raven's Nest'; the fort of the Raven Knights. As a new member of the team, a little hazing is in order, the Raven Knights are a close group and tend to spend a lot of their time together and it's not uncommon for moments of bonding to occur when the Kingdom isn't in need of saving.


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