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Prince Vandell de Lioncourt is a curious figure. Barely even a man when he took on the position of Master of Ravens. Most feel that the young prince was too inexperienced for the responsibilities of commanding the Order, even if the title is largely ceremonial. However, Vandell has surprised his ditractors with several intelligent and necessary moves for the Order. Getting his father to force Count Adolyn Valenrow into the leadership of the Order being seen as his best decision. A spot previously held by the retired champion and weapons master, Garret Jesstane.

Having been educated in Greywers by his mothers family in everything from etiquette to spymastering, Vandell had a talent and taste for the game of intrigue at a young age. Smart and observant, he discovered the plot to poison his father, King Eriol de Lioncourt, by lesser nobles from the disputed lands of the lost barronages. Vying for power, these nobles were angered when more lands were to be awarded the Duke of Evandale. His accusation were at first dismissed by his older brother and the other nobles as child’s fantasy. His effeminate appearance and foppish nature having earned him the ire of his brother and a lack of respect from the nobility. He was merely nine years old at the time. They feared the constant tensions between the two kingdoms had colored the boys imagination. Fearing the worst he brought his concerns to Duke Palence Valenrow of Evandale and his wife, who took his concerns seriously. Unable to get away themselves without causing a stir, the Duke convinced Vandell and his adopted brother Maelyn to flee the fort and ride miles out to where the Duke’s loyal bordermen were waiting in case of trouble.

There he met the fifteen year old son, Adolyn Valenrow and his friends. Training to be knights of the border legion, the young Count needed no convincing when he received the letter from his mother. The young prince was surprised at how the hardened soldiers of the border legion responded to the young Adolyn when he rallyed them. Their leaders bent knee to the Count who lead them back to the fort where the King was meeting with the nobility. Despite the age of these young heroes they fought bravely to thwart the plot and saved the King from treachery.

It was this moment that young Vandell earned the respect of all the nobility and the Knights of Lioncourt. During the combat, Vandell and Maelyn had found out that the assassination attempt was actually the machinations of Saurian agents who had been sowing seeds of descent in Lioncourt. Men loyal to the vicious prince of Lioncourt were found assisting the traitors nobles from afar with their strange magics. Having studied the Saurian culture, he correctly identified the trails of wyvern riders and dragoons who had been hiding in the shadows of the night, striking unaware soldiers. His insight saved many lives.

Because his actions that day, his father named him Master of Ravens on his eighteenth birthday. Though many nobles still look down upon the effeminate prince, they dare not oppose him openly. Known to be well liked by the Knights of Lioncourt and the Order of the Raven Knights, scheming nobles tend to keep well clear of the precocious prince. Some say his relationship with his subordinates borders on the obscene. But every time those rumors began, they seem to end quickly, with many nobles having the fear of the goddess put into them.



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