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They certainly do exist, those who lust for power. Kinlings who long for ancient, dangerous magics; arcana better left alone. There are those, like the Biencien Witches who would subvert the very wards that protect the mundane lands from that which dwells beyond the 'Forbidding' and unleash the otherworldly might of the various creatures spawned in the mystical 'Elderlands' It is said that through such 'arcana', rituals mostly, that Elderian beings, creatures, beasts, and even sentient races can be summoned to grant dark benedictions upon those powerful enough to conjure them from beyond the veil. In dark places of power, far away from the prying eyes of those who would rightfully be concerned with such sacrilege, such rituals do take place.

Shattering the wall of the 'Forbidding' is not an easy task, and the veil is not so weak that it will suffer such damage for long. In the darkest corners of the Maheesian city of Mysis, not three days ride from the kingdoms capital, Bast, two foolish witches enact such a ritual. Seeking to usurp power in their coven, these Biencien Witches summon a trio of cubi, succubi, hoping to be granted the secret of their 'æthereal arte', 'Glamour'. 

A powerful Elderian race, cubi possesses polymorphic abilities to fool and entice those they seek to prey upon; but this is but one weapon in their arsenal of seduction and subjugation. These Elderian's posses the hereditary ability 'Glamour'. Though the cubi refer to it as 'The Look'. Using their polymorphic abilities, a cubi can change the color and luminescence of their eyes subtly, while using their voice to entrance their victims. Those caught in this technique are susceptible to the power of suggestion. Paired with 'The Scent', 'The Touch', and 'The Voice', to thoroughly control their victim in an attempt to convince them into coitus with the cubi. Though the average kinling cannot recreate these effects on their own, the Elderian’s can, through similar suggestions, teach the spell to them. 

Hoping to earn the spell and gain the ability enthrall others to further their own power. But the wards that guard the lands of the mundane are a powerful thing, and the magic used to weave them far beyond what mortals understand. Instead of drawing the succubi across the veil, their summoning spell failed, in turn transporting them to the Elderlands.

On the other side the foolish witches were best upon by the very cubi they sought to summon. Finding the witch’s intrusion into their conclave amusing, they decided to grant their request, and teach them the forbidden arcana. This however would be a faustian bargain that they would not soon reap the benefits from, for after the knowledge was given the cubi took their payment in flesh and spirit.

Three of the succubi fell upon them. Gifting them with hours of passion, power, and depravity. As long days turned to unending nights, the wayward witches were fed upon, their energies a meal for the three Elderians. On and on they drained them nearly dry of their quintessence, then carefully nursed the group back to health with their Elderian magics. It is unknown when, why, or even how the cubi managed to return the mortals back to the mundane lands, but the trio had been irrevocably changed. No longer seeking power or freedom, the only desires these witches had now were sate an insatiable lust that could never be filled.


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