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On the planet of Elcrest magic is one of the three Arcane Artes that seperate those who can feel and perceive the flow of mana; the awoken, from the mundane who cannot. The inhabitants of Elcrest, the kinlings; sapient bipedal metazoa from several different species and subspecies, have been able to harness the æthereal energy of Mana to create arcane effects for thousands of years. Though different species have different levels of attunement with the flow of mana, each species has the potential to harness the power of the Arcane Artes.

For many, magic is a boon to social, economical, and cultural growth. An asset to the survival and prosperity of a civilization. Ameliorative magic can heal wounds, call upon the elemental fury for protection, and even enchantments and benedictions to help enhance the physical body, or even aid in agriculture. Magic can be a blessing like no other to those blessed by the goddess, Angea, to manifest those gifts, but like everything in existence the arcane artes have their dark side.

Arcane manipulations and artes that simply commune with flow, begging its gifts, enriching the flow and adding in the it’s maturation are called ‘Ameliorative Artes’. In manipulating the flow, one must use their own life energy, their quintessence, to communicate and cooperate with the will of mana to gain the desired effects. Conjuration, abjuration, evocation, divination, transmutation, enchantment, and even illusion; all require an ameliorative relationship with flow of mana, the will of the planet.

Mages of all kinds, white mages and clerics, black mages and spellbinders, weavers, arcane priest, and summoners beside; all who use spell or ritual to beg the mercy of the flow for their arcane effects understand and abide by this symbiotic link with the natural order. But not everyone awoken gifted with the blessing of the goddess abides by this accord. There are those who believe in power beyond all else. Callous to the consequences of breaking the sacred bonds of life and the living energy.

In the land of Theria there exists a disparate association of spellcasters. Kin both male and female who believe in the ancient right of might. That those with the strength to dominate had a moral imperative to do so. They believed that ultimate power led to ultimate happiness and that with that power they could make their desires flesh and bring about peace and paradise, to succeed where the absent Goddess had failed. The first to utter these words and preach this doctrine was a ladykin named Bridget Biencien. She was the first Biencien Witch.

Now in the shadows of the magical continent of Theria, where the flow of mana is the strongest in the world, those who follow her teaching and believe in her cause practice subversive magic; æthereal artes that do not enrich or refine the flow of mana, but seek to dominate it. The covens of the Biencien Witches seek power, knowledge, and immortality through the subversion of æthereal energy. Not only the Mana flowing through the planet and its inhabitants, but the individual essence of living beings as well.

In the dark corners of Theria this secret society of spell casters practice and preserve the ‘subversive artes’. These spells meant to bend and break the flow to their will. By dominating life and empowering themselves by absorbing the quintessence of others through charms, spells, and dark rituals; these witches present a threat to all other awoken of the lands.

Not much is known about their rules and customs by the common kin, but books and histories have recorded many of their unsavory practices. What is well-known is that every Biencien Witch must undergo ‘The Ritual of Rebellion’ to be allowed to join a Coven. This debaucherous liturgy is an act of carnal gratifications, where the initiates must summon all their quintessence from deep within their ‘Spirit Well’ to strengthen their ‘Soul’s Defense’ against their potential covenmates. It is a spiritual game of tug-o-war, where the losers pay with their lives; and the winners are empowered by the sacrifice of the fallen.

Tendrils of power from beyond the bidding are said to be summoned to aid in the dark ritual. A kiss of energy from the darkest denizens of the Elderlands, feeding on the cacophony of power created by the ceremony. Enjoying the carnal energies of the rogue mages.

Though death is common for those who cannot handle ‘freedom’s embrace’, it isn’t the worst outcome for failing the ritual. A foolish few witches and warlocks are able to sustain themselves in the struggle, but lose themselves to the pleasures of the ritual, both physical and spiritual. These are left broken and lusting, their need to continue to seek the power and gratification they felt driving them down the path to becoming subverted themselves; demons walking among us. Most Biencien witches seek to destroy these abominations before they grow too powerful to control, but there are those vain enough to believe they can control these wayward witches. They often find themselves consumed by the demon’s hunger.


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