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Though the 'Church of the Goddess' teaches abstinence and purity among it's affirmed clergy, it is much more liberal and lenient with the sexuality of postulants and sisters who are unaffirmed.

While devoting time to pursuing romantic relationships and congress with others is frowned upon, it isn't exactly discouraged either. The only taboos when it comes to physical relationships between anyone and the unaffirmed is focused on respectability and decorum.

Unaffirmed may not tempt those who themselves have affirmed their lives to the Goddess. Unaffirmed cannot pursue and engage in behavior unbecoming of a representative of the church.  Unaffirmed cannot cavort or deliant with partners or peoples to whom the church deem problematic; and all sexual activity must be discrete and in moderation; with confessions for lapses in fidelity.

As such, most young postulants often do not pursue relationships inside or outside of the church, when the gift of 'Passions Fire' becomes more than they can bare, they often seek release in the arms their fellows. This has created an interesting dynamic between older postulants and newer novitiates, where the 'pleasures of the flesh' are taught to the younger hopefuls as a way to instill certain habits to keep desire from consuming them.

Though none of this information is official and often wisely not spoken upon by the Church or it's administration; it has become tradition for novitiates who wish to explore the 'fires of passion' to seek out the older unaffirmed generation, both those in training and Ministrata to help ease their desires and teach them how to control them.

When Mallory Catenburry realized that she did not wish to follow the path of the affirmed, instead, wishing to pursue her love for her savior Riyo; she sought out other, more senior                          sisters and Ministrata to help prepare her for her conquest. One in particular, Ministrata Suzette, had quite the reputation among the young novitiates for being quite willing to help other young postulants explore their womanhood.

Mallory learned quite a few things from the salacious Sister that would help her in her future plans, the two would share time together often in the warmth of the dawn fire's light.




Hehe, Hands-On lessons are always the best way to learn. >:3