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Makeda Ismenie [21]

Rank; Raven Knight Second Class

Division; Medical Support and Relief Corps.

Flight; Sheba Flight

Classification; Cleric

Specialization; Life Mage

Appointment; Unappointed

Elemental Affinity; Water, Light

Arete; Gold

Magus Qualification Level; Wizard Spellcaster, Journeyman Level Photo and Hydromancy, Initiate Level Quintist


Makeda Ismenie was born in 234 AC to Duchess Monifa Ismenie and Keyon Adebayo in the southern Duchy of Nnamani; in Lioncourt’s central dominance; Enndi. A daughter of the Ismenie line, Makeda can trace her lineage back to the Malrowa or Queen of Fields of her peoples distant past.

Considered of royal Enndini blood, House Ismenie has ruled over the prosperous duchy of Nnamani since the time of Leodin; having been one of the first great rulers of Enndini to bend the knee to the God King. In turn House Ismenie has had the support and favor of the Lioncourt royal line, enjoying prosperity and success that has lasted generations; for this, they’ve always been incredibly loyal to the crown.

Makeda came into the world a pampered little foal who would grow to be a well tended filly. With loving and doting parents, as well as loyal and adoring common kin; Makeda wanted for nothing for most of her adolescence, that was until she was revealed not only to be an awoken, but an extremely powerful one at that.

Like all younglings of Lioncourt and many kingdoms beyond, Makeda was evaluated for arcane aptitude during her small years by a team of Librarium assessors. Unlike her mother and father who were largely mundane, Makeda was shown to not only have a deep, reservoir like spirit’s well, but an amazing proclivity for both wordsmithing and dream weaving; earning her the highest marks.

It was immediately suggested that Makeda be fostered at a Librarium Campus to begin her Arcane training. The excited assessors wished to have her educated in Charn in Aslan, or near the capitol, Bast, in Maahes. The city of Manu held the oldest and most prestigious Olcadan in all of Lioncourt; and the assessors deemed that the pretty foal would get the best arcane instruction there, but her parents declined.

Despite the opportunity, they were loyal to the lands and to the nobility of Enndi. To have their child fostered and educated elsewhere would show a lack of faith in the local Magus Librarium Olcadan in Aenara. Despite several attempts to have the talented awoken trained elsewhere, Makeda’s parents had her enrolled the following spring.

Makeda’s time in Arcane study was remarkable only for her incredible rise within the school ranks. As a Novitiate, the young zebrakin had an ‘arete’ of steel. She grew from that to pewter, and then bronze within a year's time.

Likewise, the fantastic filly earned accolades, rank, and accreditation with ease. Gaining the rank of Practitioner Spellcaster by the age of ten, while most students were still either initiates or apprentices. She gained Journeyman proficiency in spellcasting and became a Practitioner of mancery by fourteen and graduated a full fledged Mage by sixteen, though she continued her studies for another year earning the title of specialist in the artes of healing, enchantments, and benedictions; cementing her path as a ‘White Mage’.

Unlike other Librarium graduates, Makeda had no need to adventure with a Triad to earn her way through advanced studies. She would quickly Master the benedictive artes, as well as advance both her hydromancy and photomancy to journeyman levels. Even learning quintistry well enough to be certified as an initiate; though her talents lie strictly with the abilities that aid in healing. She would eventually earn the rank of Wizard by her 18th birthday and is notable for having a Gold level Arete, with a bucket capacity that can rival even a dragonkin.

Despite her advances and talents, Makeda’s arcane studies were simply a hobby. She originally had little plan to become either a Cleric, Healing Sorceress, or Arcane Physician. In truth, she’d simply continued her study to escape the doting of her parents, in a safe environment where she could continue learning her fascinations. She’d lived a charmed life thus far with very little cares or worries, that would change however, when her father chose to accompany Grand Prince Basil de Lioncourt to a once in a lifetime event; the signing of the peace treaty between Sauria and Lioncourt in the Dalish lowlands at Herald’s Keep; near the settlement of Laurica. A choice that would have fatal consequences.

During the Siege of Herald’s Keep Makeda lost both her brothers and father to King Mizer’s treachery. Despite all of her power, the young filly had never spent time applying her abilities to dangerous situations, so when the time came for her to use her magic to defend her family and fellow kin, the zebra froze.

The loss of her family caused Makeda to snap, unleashing destructive magic the likes of which she’d never before employed. Using her photomancy as well as rare and powerful ‘Light Spells’; the zebrakin was able to defend the rest of the Enndini nobles until help arrived in the form of a veteran Raven Knight named Megogo Asherah, who along with the survivors of her unit, was working their way down from the battlements to clear up stragglers, as the Saurians were now in full retreat after the death of their King.

For nearly a year Makeda wallowed in regret and depression; a condition that was exacerbated by her mother who unintentionally held her responsible for the deaths of the family. Unable to live with herself and her shame, the young zebra had stopped eating and drinking; growing sick from malnourishment. She would have ended it all had she not been visited out of the blue by her savior and a strange young caracal with red hair and dashing smile.

Megogo had not forgotten the power that Makeda displayed and with the losses her Order suffered at Herald’s Keep; the Ravens had been actively recruiting for the first time in a century. The mature lioness had told the story of encountering Makeda to the known Primus, Adolyn Valenrow, who had been proclaimed “The Hero of Herald’s Keep’.

Though young, Adolyn proved to be both charismatic and empathetic, comeseriating with her about the losses suffered during the worst day of Makeda’s life; and offering her the opportunity to help prevent such future tragedies from happening. The two spoke for a long time and it was Adolyn’s personability and earnest concern that eventually convinced Makeda to lend the man her talents.

He didn’t claim to be able to offer her a chance at revenge or to help her alleviate her guilt; he simply promised her an opportunity to do better, and that he would walk beside her until she was. With Megogo echoing these sentiments, Makeda was moved by how genuine the two were, but ultimately accepted because she believed she owed the two her life and the life of her mother and sister. She would leave home only a few short days after.

With a renewed sense of earnestness and purpose, as well as the tutelage of the Order; Makeda has become a powerful and effective Cleric for the Order. Despite being part of the Medical Support and Relief Corps, the young filly has never shied away from combat and investigation assignments, working well with her companions and Sheba Flight; Mage Danon Felghana and Ranger Kioni Asati.



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