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My name is Kohkari Andeja. Son of Kohdan and Mwani of Clan Andeja, last of the Shiba clans of Red Brush. Mine is a storied line that traces all the way back to even before the Exodus of the Timberland wolves.. My family can trace its roots back to the Age of Ascension, when the Inu Clans of Kokendo migrated to Theria after the Shikudan War. Where many of the Inu Clans died out or were scattered across this great land, my ancestors found a home and a purpose as part of the Wolven Packs of the Timberlands; specifically, Pack Akuja. 

My family has served Pack Akuja for over a thousand years. It is my great honor to serve the Pack as my father and grandfather did before me. So, when the young Kaidon of the Pack, Torian Akuja came to see me, I was ecstatic. At first, I believed he had arrived to witness my brother, Munakoh. Munakoh is a great swordsman and tracker. The most magnificent hunter our family has produced in over five generations. Like my mother and myself he is a clairsentient. Specifically what we of the Amaroki call a Nukilik; meaning the strong one.

Nukilik like me and my brother have several clairsentient abilities. The most prominent we call trace scrying; which is the ability to draw upon the trace inua left in the remains of living being. With the ability to draw this inua within ourselves, we are able to scry the memories and abilities of a deceased person or creature. This along with our ability to track through the rivinua, make Nukilik the most powerful kin in the expanse. It is why the Imakandi hunters are so feared. Though not every Nukilik are Imakandi, ‘all’ Imakandi are Nukilik. The Imakandi are the elite, the best Amarok has to offer. They are master of fight and hunt.

Imakandi are trained in hand to hand by the ‘Keepers’. They master the blade and the bow in the most terrible conditions of the Mooncrest Mountains, fighting subverted monsters and beings of the expanse. Through control of inua they have heightened senses, reflexes, strength and stamina. They are truly impressive and the Doyen of the most famous group of Imakandi, Torian Akuja, had come to see me. My tail would not stop dancing.

He said nothing at first. He simply observed me through my training regiment. Though I am not my brother’s grace, I am still quite proficient in the arts. My swordhand is true, but my talent with a bow is paramount. Even better than Munakoh if we’re being honest. So I wanted to focus on showing the Kaidon my talents. I had hoped against hope that my ancestors would reach out from the Silla and bless me with the strength to succeed. I knew Torian through rumor and gossip only. His reputation proceeds him. He had become Kaidon at fourteen and was Doyen of his own hunting party by sixteen. I was merely seven at his howling, where he took his father's sword and the spirits of ancestors granted there blessings and favor. It was quite the spectacular event. I never thought that I’d ever get to meet him personally. So when I did, I was determined to impress.

Over the course of a weeks time I got to know the Kaidon as he assessed me. I was sad to learn that he did not come down to Ankhota to recruit anyone. No, he had actually come down to settle a dispute between my family and the Nameja; namely my refusal to marry the daughter of Clan Nameja’s Alpha, Lanema. Assessing me was only an afterthought. Apparently he’d heard of my skill and wanted to see it for himself, or at least that’s what he’d claimed. Really, I think he wanted to see just what was so special about me that I thought I could refuse an arrangement made by the alphas.

Don’t get me wrong, Lanema is a beautiful wolfess. Hard, but beautiful. I just did not wish to marry her. She is bossy, aggressive and disrespectful. Because of my size and breed, she treats me with little respect and I did not want to be married to such a woman. Lanema would make a find mate for some headstrong hunter who had the constitution to put up with her constant need for conflict. I was not that furkin. So when asked by my Kaidon why I would not marry, I lied and said that I preferred men.

The art for this amazing vignette has been drawn by the very talented Jujubeluv over on FA. Please go support her and show her some love, she's been going through some rough times. Give he a shout of support @




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