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He’d come, I mean, of course he did. Who wouldn’t want to be alone with the young Lady of the Guan Family in this secluded place. But I have to admit I wasn’t expecting him to be able to slip past the guards unnoticed. He stood on the other end of the spring and smiled, taking in the majesty of one of the great marvels of Pandorica; my families Mana Spring. The flow of mana is strong here, the trees vibrant and alive. The water is infused with the life energy of the planet. It is always warm, it always nurturing and the eerie light form the crystal rocks around the bend add to the romantic atmosphere few outside the great houses ever experience. It’s a spectacular moment that I chose to share with what I’ve decided is a particular spectacular furkin.

I’ve known Adolyn Valenrow for quite a few years now. Legend of his battle prowess and heroics are all the rave here in the golden quarter, and have been for years. I thought to make his acquaintance in my youth. Show him the beauty that is Guan Mei-Xui. But he surprised me. He showed no interest in me, despite my status and my beauty. When I flirted with him, he was gentlemanly. When I made overt overtures, he resisted. He didn’t just play hard to get, he was hard to get. I once thought I’d just play with him. I wanted to see if this ‘hero’ was worthy enough to entertain me. It didn’t work out that way. I’m rarely humbled, but when your competition for a mans attentions include even the Queen... well, you can see how a lesser woman would be discouraged. 

I’d watched him from as he evaluated members of the ‘Red Guard’. He would take one of the Queen’s elite to join his prestigious Order. Rumors say that he’d share a night of passion with a few of them. Both the right and left hands of the Prince and even the Red Hand of the Queen herself. That’s lofty competition. Sayuri Seiji is as beautiful as she is deadly and deadly the right hand of the Prince is. Elaine too is well admired for her beauty and I’m not fool enough to think that I could compare to the ‘Red Hand’. Some of us weren’t born with bosom that could stop a stampede. But I have other charms with a cunningness to match.

So I left my message for him, “Come see my mana garden.” I knew he would not be able to resist. He is a Raven Knight after all; they are always fascinated with that sort of thing. The magical wonders of nature don’t hold a candle to me, half naked in my best lingerie, sitting seductively at the water's edge. I had his attention instantly. He questioned me with a gaze and I answer with a smile. 

“You cannot enter the spring clothed.” I called, pointing to the sign behind him. He looked a bit confused and I was glad. I had to unbalance him somehow. To see me this way, I’m sure he’s smart enough to infer what I wanted of him. But pretending it’s just how things are here, well... that’ll give me an edge.

He thought about it for a moment, contemplating the danger I posed. I’m not some sword swinging sally like the others they say he spent time with. I’m the daughter of a great house. Could he dare make a move at me? I hoped so. ‘Dare!’ I thought, ‘Dare as you will my little knight!’ I wanted him to take the risk and fall into my trap. Take off all his clothes and come over to me. We’d see which of us was the predator and which the prey. To my delight, he began to undress.

He made his way to me across the water looking every bit the fit caramel masterpiece the goddess made him. He spoke to me as he approached, speaking of the beauty of the spring and the natural wonders. But I didn’t care. I’d seen this place many times before, its wonders could not distract me from my prey. When he neared I sprung my trap, shifting my body and letting the clasps of my silk bustier fall away. I may not be well endowed as other ladys, but perfectly cute petite body has its allure. I’ve certainly received no complaints in the past. I was happy to see that he appreciated the view, though he feigned modesty and kept his eyes on my face. As I approached, I’m sure he knew my intentions, but now it was too late. He wasn’t going to just turn tail and leave after coming this far.

In the past he’d been able to stimmy me with clever words or politely play off my advances. I appreciated how he never wanted to seem uninterested, protecting my feelings. But I know who and what I am. It would be impossible for any man to shake my self worth. The fact that he’d tried so masterfully to do so was why I was determined to have him, if only for a night. Most men don’t prove they have any real value, not enough to warrant my attentions. So when the rare diamond shows itself in a pit of coal, I take notice and I’m happy to be noticed in return.

I silenced his clever words with a kiss. I shifted my self in the water to block any escape he may try. My hands brushing against his chest before wrapping my arms around his neck. I’ll give him credit, he tried to pull away. He tried hard to maintain that air of decency that he carried. It was respectable, but unwelcomed. I wanted him to be the man I saw behind his eyes. The dashing paramour whose reputation as a lover preceded him. Through protests and platitudes I pushed on with my seduction and it wasn’t long before I was rewarded. With his hand gripping my ass he held me near and soon he was doing the kissing.

We shared a night of passion. He wasn’t the best I’d ever had, but he certainly came close. We spent an hour together in the Garden and he showed me exactly why my fellow Ladies in court were fawning all over him. I’d thought briefly that I should try to keep him, let him fill my womb with his seed to see what beautiful child we could make. He was after all of noble birth. His hand would bring prestige and good fortune to my family. But the that thought passed as quickly as it came. I am young and I have a lot of time to pin down an mate. If this Adolyn is to be my toy, I’ll have another opportunity at him. To assure this I allowed him to finish on my face.oh, the warm feeling of a man’s cum trickling down into my mouth was exhilarating. Of course, the psychological effect that view has is invaluable. I hoped he’d be thinking about that for the rest of his visit.

I saw the Count twice more after that, each time was as memorable as the last. It was only when he left, having chosen Vega, the young blade dancer of House Lyrae, to join his order did I find out the most flattering thing. The rumors about him had been untrue. As I sat resting in the warm waters of the royal hot spring, I listened to my contemporaries tell tales of their failed attempts to entice the borderman. Even the Red Hand of the Queen had joked that he’d politely refused an advance from her. I was pleased beyond measure. I’d been the only lady to have had him. Though I could rub it in and gain the envy of my Lady’s, I instead sat back and smiled. Sometimes all you need is to know that you’re the best. I closed my eyes and imagined what I would do with him when next he visited. 



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