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It only gets crazier from here

Chelsea K

double upload thanks guys!!!


Its not that Diego choses to manipulate knifes, he only knows how to manipulate knifes, not bullets.


Everyone moved on from being a superhero except Luther, so to make him feel useful his dad sent him to do useless tasks to the moon. I wish I could be that rich.


Nah I’m with Nathan Alison and Luther relationship is hella weird not only cuz they grew up as siblings but the fact that they STILL refer to each to her as brother/sister/siblings like the second the developed feelings they shouldn’t be calling each to her siblings


The usage of dapping was so hilarious!🤣🤣🤣😅😅 I'm literally crying laughing🤣 The way Davion uses daps is so weird, but funny af (that usually wouldn't be the right way to dap someone).


Watermelon Rockstar🤣🤣🤣🤣


lolololol, the dap convo


Cameron keeps mention YOU. It gotta win the next poll for shows.


Allison and Luther's relationship is MAD weird and creepy. They were raised as siblings AND STILL REFER TO EACH OTHER AS BROTHER AND SISTER. Like if you have feelings for someone who is NOT blood related to you why the hell are still referring to them as your sibling. Bottom line is they have always considered each other as siblings and never changed their stance even after they realized they fell for each other.


Their gonna love the next episode, and can't wait for the reactions.