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I never said anything about depression…as someone who has it I wouldn’t use that to dislike someone. But she never takes responsibility for the crap she does and in my opinion shoves her experiences down Eleven’s throat. She can mourn her brother that is completely fine and normal, however she goes beyond that and it bothers me she is treated like she can do no wrong JUST because she lost her brother.

Elisheeba Ijekhuemen

She literally did nothing in this episode. She's definitely not treated like she can do no wrong, considering she's dealing with an alcoholic mum and grief she's better than a lot of other people. Idk usually people struggle with girls with a bit of sarcasm and stubbornness, hilarious considering how similar she is to Mike except Mike has a stable family, a girlfriend who loves him, and a best friend who would do anything for him that he continues being a dick to for no reason, yet in this episode Max the child actually grieving is the problem.


I never said that Mike was perfect or did not do anything underserving of criticism. I also say this season and not specifically this episode. I did not want to get into spoilers for people who have not seen the rest of the show. As a woman who herself is extremely stubborn and sarcastic I can relate to that. As I said last post her grieving is not the problem, how she shuts out others and uses that to have others push other people always is my problem. When people push others away when they are upset is my problem. And not saying that people don’t do that because they do I have an issue when people use their pain as an excuse to not be nice to others and then take no responsibility for their actions. You being hurt does not mean you have an excuse to hurt other, something my therapist has told me many times.