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Who Is This Fran Person?

Put in a good word for me? Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #ElectronicsCreators #CV #Resume - Intro Music by Fran Blanche - Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com


Dr Andy Hill

I'll string together something suitable for when the actual video airs, I mean as opposed to this Patreon preview.


> Who Is This Fran Person? One of the most interesting, knowledgable and skilful people I know. Next question?


To Whom it may concern: I have been watching Fran for some time now and support her on patreon. She is very knowledgeable on a variety of subjects and enjoy the content of her videos very much. Without knowing the specifics of the organization to which she is referring or to what extent she would be doing, I can not give detailed examples of why she should be included. I can tell you that as a business owner, engineer, entrepreneur, and all around fabricator of really cool things, I would be honored to include her in any project at my disposal!


Who is this Fran person? And why would anyone want her in their organization? Fran is curious and loves to share her curiosity wherever it leads. I can hardly count the times I've been surprised and delighted by where that curiosity has gone, and the tenacity and dedication Fran exhibits following her path and sharing the journey. Fran is an investigator. More often than not, her curiosity leads her to fascinating science and technology, most especially including things that were key steps on the way to solving some thorny problems. Fran will dig into an item "all the way down" until she not only understands it, but understands it well enough to share with others in a comprehensible and engaging manner. Fran is a communicator. And not just in videos! No medium is beyond Fran, be it material art, music, speech, writing, video and more. This is the key to Fran's success on YouTube, where over a quarter of a million people follow her channel. Fran is a historian and curator. Simply put, she loves old stuff, and not only old tech, though that does tend to fill her archive more than anything else. Fran is an inventor and creator. I was going to say "artist", but that word feels too narrow, despite much of her work being truly artistic. Many of Fran's inventions serve to solve problems at hand, ones encountered as part of her other efforts. Some inventions are quick "hacks", others are years in the making. Fran is one of those rare folks who can share their invention and discovery processes in ways that encourage others to try it for themselves. Fran is inspiring. If the above list isn't enough to illustrate this, Fran does all this while having what others may label as disadvantages or handicaps or limitations, but which Fran turns into superpowers. I'll not list them, but I will say I share some of them, and I'm singularly amazed by how they hardly slow Fran down. She drives me to do better with and for myself. Fran is proof that Art and STEM go together: Fran is a STEAM practitioner and advocate like no other. An engineer with words, an artist with technology. Fran has enormous passion. She acknowledges few limitations, and considers even those few temporary in nature, to be resolved or worked around. Fran can weather adversity better and push herself harder than anyone I've ever seen. Fran has tenacity and grit. Fran is a trailblazer. Fran has started and run multiple businesses. FRAN LOVES PHILLY! Fran has a rich and wry sense of humor. OK, I should probably stop here, though there is more to be said. Who is this Fran person? Bring her aboard and find out for yourself!


And now I see all the edits I want to make. Please let me know if I should.


To whom it may concern, I've been a long-time follower of Fran Blanche's Youtube videos. I've always found her presentations fascinating, whether she's talking about space-related subjects, electronic projects, explanations of a variety of different objects from vintage pilot device displays, radios, cameras and a plethora of items in-between. One of the first videos I ever saw from Fran was her special on fountain pens and being a pen aficionado myself I was very much drawn to the subject. I appreciated her thorough review and her no nonsense approach and found myself buying several of the pens she had reviewed to try them out myself. I'm also a tinkerer at heart and Fran has always been a wonderful inspiration and through her various videos I've been inspired to continue tinkering in my workshop and making things and experimenting. I find Fran very genuine and down to earth and her enthusiasm for the varied subjects she broaches on her channel comes through with authenticity and integrity. I've been supporting Fran in her endeavours as I look forward to her videos as they are always interesting and provide a different view on so many varied subjects.


I've posted something, I hope it helps.


I'm from a small town and retired from the Navy Nuclear Power program. Fran Blanche is of the same caliber as a number of people that I enjoyed working with. Her in-depth knowledge on such a vast array of topics showed me that she takes her work very seriously. Topics from what it takes to take an idea for a product all the way to marketing. In depth discussion on the Saturn 5 rocket engines and the many engineering aspects of it's workings. The meticulous detail of her projects. Open and honest about what didn't work and why and what did work. The quality of her work is what inspired me to financially donate so that she may continue to broaden my knowledge.


The only social media I take part in is leaving comments on Fran's YouTube channel. Why? Because Fran is totally unique in her approach to projects, technology, technical history and even music effects equipment. She is well spoken, amazingly knowledgeable on many subjects, but most important is that she's such a good and patient teacher. She makes the adventure of electronics immersive and fun like no other person I have seen. She has no "agenda" that she's trying to sell, nor is she shy of speaking of injustices from time to time. So, she's a great teacher and a great person, with no ego, and someone you could sit for hours with talking about all things technical. I'm 57 and I don't do social media. But Fran is the only exception. Why? Because time is short on this Earth and if I'm going to spend time watching someone tear down and explain the functionality of a historic piece of technology, that person has got to be exceptional, easy to listen to, and and able to truly broaden my knowledge base. Fran does all these things. I'm proud to be a sponsor. Best investment I ever made!


Fran has a keen interest in the history of technology and its preservation.


Doesn't "Re combobulate" mean you make a "mess" again? love your videos, Fran.