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Did you know that untidiness can kill?  Clean up your house... Buy lots of fresh new American Lead Paint - and do your part!  Your life, and our very way of life, may very well depend on it!



Paint Or Die!!!

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How would FranLab stand up to the heat wave?

Dragi Raos

I hope that Fran followed the third little pig and built using actual building material - you know - bricks, stone, concrete...


Yes, you will surely survive a 20 megaton blast and it’s nuclear fallout as long as you remember to dispose of your newspaper after reading it. But why risk it at all? Televisions are far less flammable than books and newspapers. Get rid of all your paper reading materials and just watch TELEVISION and YOU will be ready to live in the NUCLEAR AGE. …Brought to you by the Television Broadcasters Group of America.


Just stay out of California to avoid cancer.


That is hilarious, could not stop laughing. Like if you are that close to ground zero you actually want to still live there 🤣, it's already game over #HouseShaming. ... What next ? "Citizens ..if you are too fat ...Yiu can not run away from the shock wave ☝️". 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Philip Stephens

That’s right, plant those flame-proof flowers next to your house! Paint those walls with our radiation-proof paint! You don’t want your house to look like a dump after the Ruskies drop an atomic bomb on YOUR town, do you?

Howard Simons

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly home owners association.

Louis Perge

Looks like a fixer-upper.

Dr Andy Hill

Andy Lab / Computer Room / Dining / Living room would not fare well I suspect. but outside is clean well maintained and tidy. But I guess the radiation would probably kill me anyway. They don't mention the Gamma "flash" that arrives with the light flash, or the fall out that comes when all the dust settles.

Rocco Rizzo

That asbestos based white lead paint will surely save us! Never read newspapers and/or magazines. Don’t read books either. They are all made out of combustible paper! Just pay attention to the TV and radio. Oh, sorry, forgot to mention the EMP, which will render them useless, as well as anything electronic not inside a Faraday Cube.


What an unbelievably strange time the 50s and 60s were. I remember asking my Dad to dig a hole for a fallout shelter in the back yard after reading a civil defense pamphlet. He wasn’t impressed with the idea.


And here I thought I was living in denial... ;)


I wonder if, 50 or 60 years from now, people will be looking at some of our public service announcements and laughing their a$$ off?


Love the music score! Proud to say, my house is the one in the middle!😀

David Peaker

Damn! My house is brick, I'm doomed.


Ok, so if I keep my house painted, and property clean, I get to live a slower death, blinded by the nuclear flash through the big window and radiation poisoning from the initial blast and then the fallout? Sign me up! I have a feeling my burning house would be the last thing on my mind if my entire town just experienced a nuclear blast. Does the next film in the series discuss how you should keep your dog house spiffy so Spot won't die quickly in the blast and how to place a feline hazmat suit on your outdoor cats? Of all the things you would have to deal with after your town was nuked, this just doesn't even make the long list! The living would envy the dead. Who thought this film out? Again, something you'd see between two Three Stooges shorts at the local drive-in theater. Almost as comedic!


Just paint it with thick White Lead Paint and you'll be fine Citizen!


I grew up during the time of CD signs and shelters. My father managed a Scott's five and dime store for years and had all the supplies stored in the basement and as kids we played there often. What memories this brings back.


Those supercilious bastards were real MFs. To think that I was raised by adults in that time period. I was unaware of this kind of BS, though. I know it's incredible, but I still don't believe it.

Ymir the Frost Giant

I'm just trying to work out how planting flowers will protect me... should I move out of my apartment block?