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Not just the lyrics to an iconic early 80's alt-rock song....  Can we talk about this reasonably?



Lunatic Fringe (It's Official, Part 2)

Not just the lyrics to an iconic early 80's alt-rock song.... Can we talk about this reasonably? The controversial video - https://youtu.be/a6tDHZj5q5Q Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #ElectronicsCreators #UFO #UAP - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com


Barry Hammock

Nothing wrong with the first video. People are just reading things into it. Not your fault. Keep it up!

David Peaker

I'd forgotten the Arthur C Clarke quote and it is a terrifying thought. I can't see myself unsubscribing while ever you make me think.

Dr Andy Hill

I don't understand why people would get so uptight and opinionated about your previous video. It's just something to learn more about if you have a scientific mind.


Huh? What did she say? I was mesmerized by the ginormous 7-segment display laying on the bench. Is it vacuum-fluorescent? Neon?


Please my I be placed on the "I'm intrigued, and want to know more" list? I'm a retired Air Force E7, who was once stationed at RAF Woodbridge, UK, which is right next to Rendelsham Forest, Back in the 60ies(?) or early 70ies(?) there was a UFO incident in those woods. I checked out the woods, and the "area it happened in" just looked weird, and this was in 1977. Nothing but creepy feelings, so I have no opinion on yes or no aliens.


Here's my take on this entire issue. Fran, you have an opinion, and it may or may not agree with all your subscribers. If a sub decides that your opinion is so bad that it upsets them to the extent that they must unsub, then I say "Bye Bye". They didn't need to be here in the first place. I like to think that I have an open mind, and I RESPECT your opinion, whether I agree or not. It's not like lives depend on you being right all the time, so perhaps they need to chill out. I actually enjoy your way of thinking. So KEEP IT UP!!!


Fran, like you, I was really amazed by the impassioned responses to your video. I didn’t feel you were drawing conclusions regarding extraterrestrials or trying to convey an agenda of some sort. I took it as a “intriguing unknown phenomena” just ripe for broader investigation. That’s why I thought a custom broad sensor suite that looks at these objects with “new eyes” would be justifiably funded. Military training airspace around the US is very well defined and controlled. Pilots can clearly see these “no fly zones” on maps called “Sectionals” and even some modern commercial aircraft databases contain these boundaries which are drawn on the cockpit primary map displays. Pilots know not to enter these areas. If they do, they risk the loss of their pilots license and if they continue to fly into a restricted zone when a training exercise is occurring, they will be intercepted and forced to change course. With all the military aircraft operating in that restricted airspace, they don’t want to dodge civilian aircraft that just happen to violate that airspace. They don’t want distractions that would force shipboard and airborne military radars to track these nuisance targets. With that said, anything unidentified, yet tracked by radar, is something that definitely should not be there. The intercept aircraft will deviate from their planned training missions to identify the unknown target. This interferes with Navy operations and, to say the least, costs a fortune in lost training time and hours on the aircraft, not to mention in-flight refueling schedules. Since these unknown targets are directly interfering with complex training exercises, they are an expensive nuisance regardless of their origin. It is in the Navy’s best interest to investigate these UFOs with custom equipment that can offer much more than existing aircraft sensors. These inevitably will be sorted out by their radar signature as time goes on. Maybe. Until then, they are an expansive distraction and seem to really touch a nerve with a lot of people. If they’re commonplace, and as easy to find and track as the videos show, there is no reason not to investigate these intruders. They don’t seem to be a threat to national security based on what has been publicly released, but regardless of that, we need to investigate these UFOs. No matter what their origin is. As for Area 51, I don’t see why people won’t accept the fact that our nation needs a secure facility to develop technologies for the next generation of weapons and aircraft. If there is a no-fly zone around the facility, then violating it in a private plane could get you killed. Especially if you don’t respond to radio warnings and F-16s flying by your plane. You can’t approach it from the ground without being detected and/or arrested. If they’ve developed zero-time-of-flight weaponry like lasers, EMP emitters, plasma concentration and projection, or whatever else, we the taxpayer are funding that facility and it’s in our best interest to let them develop our nation’s technology secretly in a world where information is so easily stolen and accessed by so many enemies. I have no proof, or any valid data, to support theories of what these UFOs are or how they originate. But I do know that from a tactical training sense, they are an expensive nuisance and warrant a better investigation.


I'm with Chuck Kirchner (above) . Whatever the explanation for these appearances, we need to understand what they are. It doesn't matter to me if it's a flock of birds, an interdimensional probe or a Klingon Bird of Prey. I simply would like to know. I appreciate honest opinions and open discussion, whether I happen to agree with the opinion or not. I hope the closed minded among us don't make discussions like this too uncomfortable.


I personally didn't find anything "controversial" about your first video. We don't know what any of this is for certain and we are all curious.


I’m not saying that all the people writing in with negative comments are aliens.... but they’re aliens.


The first full dinosaur skeleton was not discovered and brought out to society until the 1800s. For at least 200 years prior, people had found parts of dinosaur skeletons and came to conclusions that the bones came from giant humans and such. What we know now is that there were species of gigantic reptile-like creatures roaming the Earth over 66 million years ago. If you had told those people that they were touching objects that were 66 million years old and that the bones belonged to one species of many more that we would come to know, they probably would not initially accept those ideas. It would blow their minds. So, the dismissive answer to me seems short sided to me. Consider these points: 1) The written history of our current civilization is only 5,000 years old while the Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years. 2) The Milky Way galaxy is estimated to contain 100 thousand million stars (not just planets). The smallness of how much space we understand compared to what is and the narrowness of how much time we have accounted for, how can a skeptical uninformed opinion be helpful to us now? In conclusion, I think you are right to be curious, Fran.


So, let’s assume these are craft of an alien nature, they get here using another dimension. Do we have evidence that such dimensions exist and can be used in this way? Why do they appear as objects we can comprehend? By that I mean why do they appear as lozenges or silver discs of a size we can see moving at speeds we can record, often matching that of popular science fiction? How do they know we are here? Human kind as been here for a very short time in the time scale of the universe, our radio transmissions (around for even a shorter time) will not have gone that far? If they are in ear shot of us, we are in ear shot of them, why haven’t we heard their transmissions, why haven’t they tried to contact us using more conventional means? If pilots are seeing these objects all the time, so are the passengers, where is video and photographic evidence? Every person on those passenger planes has a mobile phone capable of recording video, we see footage from other things that happen on planes, from engine fires to being escorted by fighter planes for one reason or another, so why no compelling footage of these objects that you say pilots are seeing all the time but don’t talk about? I quite agree they are unidentified and that makes them interesting to some of us, a mystery to be solved, but in every case where a UFO becomes identified, it is found to be pretty much of this earth. I would love to think there were alien drones in interesting shapes from a different dimension, and I do believe in the likelihood of life on other planets, but I also believe they are restricted by the same universal laws of physics we are, and so over the vastness of space and of course time, we shall never meet. Of course I'm not unsubscribing either and it is a great discussion.


Some seemingly good information with loads of references are on the Wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_hypothesis for those wanting various viewpoints. UFOs of course exist in the literal meaning, but of all those UFOs identified, not one has been an alien craft, unless you want to start getting into conspiracy theories and coverups. Regarding radar, well it has a lot of issues with noise, (Google ‘radar clutter’) so things suddenly appearing on radar and disappearing means very little on its own as it isn’t unusual, so if the only evidence presented is from radar blips coming and going, it’s not reliable. More interesting of course is when there are multiple data sources, separate visual recordings, infra-red, plus radar so corroborating something physical was there, those are worth investigating. The probability they are alien in origin? How may stars in the universe and they find ours, that's probably a good starting point.


I think it's jumping into the less likely explanations first that's maybe causing the problem. I mean when you can come up with up mundane explanations such as rarely seen weather and atmospheric conditions. Or how about trash getting sucked up into the atmosphere. You could imagine how a large sheet of aluminium foil (like a survival blanket) caught in a 100mph wind might look. You have this mysterious reflective silvery object flying at high speed that can be seen on radar. It can assume all kinds of shapes and drop or gain height faster than any plane can achieve.


The thing I most like about your channel, Fran, is that it's not strictly about electronics! I mean, sure that's interesting content, but I also love the videos about office supplies and other, ehm, things :) My mind is scientific too and I love to learn new stuff!


To be honest the speculation about aliens or "just" their robots is too idle. Attributing human intention is something many people do too much already. If you're going to speculate, ask yourself, if it leads to anything ever falsifiable. It'd be falsifiable if it can tell us where to expect the phenomena, and/or recreate it. If it rigorously specifies what it looks like, that might be good too. Also, indeed, better data about phenomena might be good too. Or maybe it's possible to use better sensor data on mundane phenomena and simulate what worse might look like. If that looks like UFOs, seems likely that the UFOs are actually a misinterpretation of some mundane thing...


My guess that most discussions will be entirely fruitless in figuring stuff out. Don't waste your time if you don't really understand where footage/etc came from and how to interpret it.


Pretty irrelevant. Doesn't say anything about what the footage actually shows, merely insinuates.


I have been interested in this subject for a good while now and really enjoyed these two videos, especially coming from a much respected non-ufo genre channel. My own view has shifted much from an original scepticism. And it is fascinating too to see the beginnings of a move from obfuscation to disclosure by the military. To me it is healthy and right to have an open scientific mind and be prepared to talk objectively about this phenomena in the way you have.


I think we need to realise that UFO in military terms is quite a bit removed from them saying they have thoughts it could be alien technology. UFO just means the literal of unidentified and "we need to find out if this is friend or foe, a risk to our security or not, or enemy technology we haven't seen before, or some sort of cloaking or decoy device." They are often hushed up because going public could risk losing a tactical advantage, i.e. they might wish their enemies not to know their bit of kit can be detected after all. Many military UFO sightings happen during training exercises, and this likely because it is when they test things to confuse radar or try out decoy drones etc to see how an army might react, but in a safe training environment. If these are alien flying objects routinely in our sky without notion of international borders and behaving strangely, we'd have engaged and shot most of them down by now or it would have started world war 3 already.


Personally I feel it is always right to question assumptions about something because it is quite possible to see something and think it is one way while in reality it is another. So it is always worth being sceptical and openminded at the same time. As for minding you talk about this sort of thing, well I prefer to know you are creative, thoughtful and philosophical and not just in it for the clicks, which is why I backed you on Patreon in the first place. Honestly I don't think I have found a single video you have done boring even if I don't always find a way to comment on them all the time. But I know I am very happy to support you and if you want to go on a field trip to see crop circles or investigate the mystery of the standing stones I would not complain and in fact if you ever make your way to the UK I would love to buy you a coffee and cake and chat about all the things of that are in heaven and earth happily till the cows came home. Thanks for sharing Fran. Keep thinking outside the box. It is the best way to be.


I assume people get all salty about UFO talk because they've taken their position on UFO's as a belief system, and these reactions are typical when people's belief systems are challenged. I don't personally have any strong opinions about UFO's other than "there's obviously something interesting flying around in the sky and I really want to know more," so I don't feel the need to engage in angry internet arguments. And that's all I saw from Fran in the previous video - scientific interest in an interesting phenomenon. Some people just need to chill the heck out.


There the Drones taking the Heavy G's, But What Trenton Makes Not everyone gets too Take Anymore....But lets Build One, Two, And many more A Nice Small Coffee Can Size to Start off With, The Smaller the Electrostatic Engine the Faster The Energy can Be absorbed .. Lets start with a Nice old 5-1/4 Hard-Drive.. Time to Charge The Platters so we Can Gulp Even more Static Charge..to the Engine the Electric Charge is Need to Drive these FTL Jumps are Great as Long I am NOT in the Seat of this Test Run...And I am Not Cleaning the Mess Inside the Unit's..Now for Thrust, I stick with ION/Flame Engine, Dual Thruster Two for One in the same Unit.. ''https://htx.pppl.gov/thrusters.html'' "https://alfven.princeton.edu/" "https://mae.princeton.edu/"


I think we should just relax take a breath, and follow the evidence with an open minded approach.If no interference from other technology someone explain to me 1,800 years of horse and buggy to satellite ,cell phone,and moon landing by us in 150 years


The white "tik-tak" is probably something like this spotted from the air https://msubs.com/manned-submersibles/s201/ which the army are trying out, and no better time to test it when on a training exercise. As for it for it flicking about, that is more likely the camera system going a little strange, or the sub had something on it to confuse radar, i.e. to help avoid a target lock by the enemy. Seems the more likely explanation.


2+2=5 was an idiom used in Orwell's 1984 to demonstrate that if everyone believed it, it becomes true. 2+2=4, so who cares what anyone speculates. Flock of birds vs aliens. Both the same until the data proves, and I mean PROVES otherwise.


? There is a lot of valid history on this if you search for it. You will also find a lot of deliberate disinformation. We live in interesting times .


2+2=5 was used to prove that if you tell people an answer that is incorrect, through subversion of information you can get them to believe something that isn't actually true, it's about psychological tactics rather than science. By suppressing info that the millitary discloses through classified documents, they are doing just that with u.fo's, it's pretty clear things are hidden. If you want to be scientific info should be open to all, so we know exactly what are they hiding from us, you have to admit we are being lied to, to begin to unpick the truth. The military are building up to disclosing to the public for some of this stuff, but it's unlikely they'll be entirely truthful, and just because science hasn't figured out how something is happening, doesn't mean it isn't happening, there is as of yet no such thing as omniscience.


Fran...not only are you bang on with your logical approach in understanding this, but also bang on with your scientific reasoning and explanation of it, plus your scientific and moral responsibility to altruistically present it to others like such...alien phenomena nothing...that's godlike abilities. Very few people see the significance in all this yet, even less see it as a gift but considering it all, that's understandable. I haven't seen it wrapped as brilliantly as you yet though, nor handled with such care. Bravo!! This is a prime example anyone with a scientific mind should respect and support let alone possess themselves or strive for. Thank you and bless you.