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Hey Everyone!  If you did not catch my botched live broadcast yesterday then let me recap with my announcement that for the next couple weeks I have to catch up on the details of completing the lab.  I have to finish sorting the existing projects and putting the documentation together and also I have to build a ventilation/exhaust system for the lab, and I have to finish setting up the drawing room and build the storage in there as well.  I figure that if I spend my time getting these little things done that I'll be fully functional again and I can get back to completing the projects that I had to shelf last year. 

With this last attempt at a live broadcast it is clear that livecasting is just not a thing that I should be trying to do.  It honestly would require a very significant investment in equipment and services to get over these issues.  I think that unless you have the bandwidth and encoding power to push full 1080/60 HD that YouTube simply puts your feed all the way in the back of the queue and it just falls apart as it did with this last attempt. 

So, it would have to be a case where you would really really have to want live broadcasts, cause it would cost a bundle to get the numbers up to YouTube's minimum standards for a front-position live webcast.  Anyway, That's it I think.  



See you toward the end of May!

Maarten Daalder

If you want to live broadcast, would Twitch be a better alternative since it's build for that purpose? Of course, you can't mention that on Youtube...

Bill Karkula

I was trying to watch the everyday astronaut's live feed last night and he was having issues which normally do not occur. I wonder if it is not all you......


Thanks for the update. Take all the time you need to get your new FranLab setup. Sorry to hear that your last live broadcast didn't preform as well as you'd hoped for. I only caught about 10 minutes of it before I had to leave. But what I saw everything appeared OK. Have you tried reaching out to other YouTube creators to see what equipment they use for live broadcasts? Looks like bigclivedotcom just had a 3+ hour live broadcast. And I think EEVBlog Dave Jones does live broadcast, too. Maybe they can give you some tips. But then I'll bet they both have better Internet. I think you said you have Crapcast... I mean Comcast for Internet. If so, then that probably explains where most of you trouble comes from. And if you don't think the live broadcasts are worth it right now or ever, that's OK with me. Anyway, thanks for sharing your talents with the world.


I very much enjoyed the live broadcast (I only saw it in replay -lol). Didn't think too much about the technical issues. So what if it goes out of sync, it still carried the info.

David Blevins

I personally don't care if a video is live or not.... not worth the effort, risk, and expense IMO.


I allmost never find time, to watch live stream! In my case that would mean 100% resources for 0.0001 potential benefit. That money spent for the resolution of the issue of the exclusion of female viewers, would be a much better investment.


I also echo that a Live stream is not a benefit for me either - it is the fact I can watch it at my time in my time zone - when I am ready. Love seeing your videos and will continue to do so. looking forward to the updates - We will wait for your return - happy building!

Nuts 'n' Proud

Your earlier live streams at lower resolution were fine to me. Not every viewer has a fast connection.


Thanks for the feedback everyone - Might do another in the future at low res and see what happens.


I was going to say that some of my other fav YTrs do it in low res and bitch about the quality but still fun because real-time. Your fans will understand.


Ha ha as if the home depot totes up to the armpits and the trying to figure out which box has the crap I'm looking for were not enough I am also working on my exhaust/ventilation system as well. Proving once again great minds resonate at the same fundamental frequency. I'm still resonating in the plate chamber lol. ( omg I love that thing BTW ) no AM hi-fi radio station is complete without one! But I digress as I am at home depot deliberating on whether to get the 24" or 30" drum fan ?? I might have to get both and see which one works better for my application and return the other. I'm without a proper place to land my TARDIS still but I've secured temporary accommodation and holy crap ! I'm really crunching the transdimensional engineering in this tiny little,itty bitty,small 2 room apartment With a limited amount of my gear attempting to make a functional "blivot" (that is in simple terms 20 lbs of crap fitting in a 5pound bag LoL !) Most certainly need to apply 13 million years of Timelord dynamics to this one! Looking forward to your live event when ever the gremlins decide to allow it. Until then May the force be with you even if you have to hit it with PB blaster and a hammer first. (((HuGGs)) ∆∆∆^°•..¥..•°^∆∆∆

Nuts 'n' Proud

I wonder if Fran wants to try using a VPN with live broadcasts?