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I'm kinda worn down but I wanted to take a few minutes to deliver  this personal message to convey so many thanks to so many of you!   https://www.gofundme.com/franlab-needs-a-new-home


Stunned By GoFundMe

I'm kinda worn down but I wanted to take a few minutes to deliver this personal message to convey so many thanks to so many of you! https://www.gofundme.com/franlab-needs-a-new-home Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone Send your cards, letters, or any stuff you feel is worthy for sharing on Viewer Mail: Frantone PO Box 14024 Philadelphia, PA 19122 - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com



I'm so happy for the GoFundme going so well. You deserve it - something unexpected will come up with moving, go use the money you get, i'm sure they will go to ensuring you getting a cool new spot as soon as possible.


Perm spot would be exactly what you need!!

Nicholas Wilson

I’m so pleased for you. I suspect you were being a bit conservative in the amount you felt you could ask for, so getting so much extra should really help I’m guessing? My best wishes to you, Fran. :)


Very happy for you Fran. Everything works out for a reason and this you definitely deserve.


Fran your very welcome ! !


Fran - we love you.


if your landlord dosen't co-operate, get a lawyer ! or small claims court !


Got kicked out of my last rented place at short notice so I know how it feels. Glad to see you've a solution in hand anyway. Buying definitely gives you more security. Understand that lawyer's fees are less in the USA than here. Problem we have here is that buying or selling property costs a fortune in fees.


So glad for you :-)


So nice to see you smiling :)


Well this is fabulous news with the new place. It is wonderful how things have gone from bleak to a real hope of good things to come! The longer you stay, the more they will want you gone, the more they will offer. Box clever Fran, stick it to The Man! Don't budge til you are happy with their offer. Great stuff!


Brilliant update. Brilliant news.


Awesome idea!


Shit yah Fran!


you won't have to spend nearly as much on moving if let those of us who want to come down/up/over there to help you move. no movers needed. Also it seems I won the bet (you know the coffee we bet) on who would be closer to the actual amount you could raise (the "Price Is Right), luckily for you I don't drink coffee (lol)


aaand on hackaday today.


I get it Fran, you are not the type of person that likes to ask for help, I suspect you are more the helper type of person then the helpee. I learnt years ago that 95% of the population in this world are not greedy psychopath looking to strip their neighbour of every dime ("The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives..."), its just other 5% stand out so much (and generally their last name is Rothschild or Rockefeller). Your last landlord it appears may be one of the 5%, but time will tell time if they come good on their promises


Seems like you should be able to choose another city altogether at this point with that much money. In any case, best of luck with it all.


Kobayashi Maru!....I love a dramatic nerd reference, has the landlord obtained the Locnar yet? .


I'm happy. This is what I hoped for you.


We love ya Fran!


Nice to see Clive's video as well.


I hadn’t really seen any of your content before, Clive’s video brought me here. I saw someone in a comment calling you a “sjw” who called out the patriarchy and other bullshit and I knew I had to come be a supporter. Hope things will be okay for you, I look forward to watching through a backlog of your content!


Link to Big Clive's video for those who haven't already seen it :) <a href="https://youtu.be/ObSarQOaC88" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/ObSarQOaC88</a> Good luck, Fran! I was just saying to someone earlier today how screwed I'd be if I had to leave my house at short notice. All three of us in this house are disabled (all both mentally and physically) and none of us have much money to speak of (I'm the only one with a job, but mental health issues have resulted in me racking up a ton of debt in a quest to feel less awful...), so my only option would be to beg friends for money (I'm only 31 but I already don't really have any family left with money...) and hire people to help us pack, clean the house and move. It'd be an absolute nightmare and I gave myself anxiety just thinking about it earlier. At least I'd have my housemates to go through it all with, though - you've got to deal with it all on your own :( But like I say, best of luck, and hopefully this GoFundMe money will take help you get everything sorted (and if you get enough, it might even help fund Franlab for a bit!) 😸😻🏳️‍🌈


Fucking fantastic news Fran - Viva La FranLab!


A word of caution about the donated funds, you may be on the hook for reporting any received proceeds on your taxes. IANAA but ask someone who is.


Fran, I'm so glad we all could help your darkest hour turn into light. When people do good, it is amazing!


You go girl! Great news. Chin up and soldier on. Let us know when you need help moving.

Adam Nash

Great work Fran! We all love you!


I couldn't donate via the GoFundMe for some weird reason. Used it before, but my payments this time kept getting rejected. Thankfully I found there is a Paypal link on frantone.com which worked! I'm happy to help out. Having moved my own similar sized business office/workshop to larger premises 18 months ago mostly without help, I know the pain you'll be going through. Although that was my choice, it was also because of difficulties dealing with the owner.