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I just wanted to extend my appreciation to all of you for supporting what I do and hanging in there with me through the rough times.  As of today there are 728 of you and every single one of you are responsible for making FranLab happen.  I do spend way too much time and make too many videos simply trying to hold all this together, and the last thing that I want is for any patron to think that their support is unappreciated.  This is why I make sure to personally thank every single patron - no bots!  And those of you who pledge more that $10 a month get the official Team FranLab membership and all its perks... though, honestly those perks are largely ceremonial -but it means a lot to me that it means a lot to you.

So, thanks to you all for making it possible for me to spend all my hours planning, shooting, editing, and publishing videos about some of the most useless crap - er...  Important stuff that you can find on YouTube.  Yea!



You are very welcome. I get much enjoyment out of your posts.


Very cool....Fran

Joel Murphy

keep it useless!


No, the thanks all goes to YOU Fran! Thanks for keeping us entertained. I am merely 1/728th of your audience here, and a much smaller fraction of your global viewership. Keep on doing what you're doing :-)


We love you all Fran! Keep on with it.


You are super terrific, Fran! LOVE your work, and always look forward to your next video, in the lab or wherever.


I always look forward to seeing your next post Fran. I especially appreciate that your posts are on a variety of topics. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to get the daily newspaper with the front page headlines and pictures of the first moon landing. And now I find that same anticipation looking forward to your next post. Take care - Dave


I love the membership package Fran, I really didn't even know it was included in one of the tiers and was delightfully surprised when it landed


I find your presentations fascinating and your enthusiasm uplifting. I am not an electronics buff, but there is always something to learn in life, and you are a veritable goldmine of information. Keep on keeping on Fran. :-)


You're very welcome. I really enjoy your content and always learn something new! I'm happy to be a part of the team that keeps FranLab up and running. :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-11 18:15:36 I'm SO happy that I can help out in a small way. I feel that we are cut from the same cloth, & it is SO refreshing to find another woman that thinks the same way that I do! (Makes me feel just a bit less crazy!) I often smile thru your videos, because I know a lot of the info that you present, but just hearing your presentations make things click better than they were floating around in my gray matter!
2018-09-04 05:45:32 I'm SO happy that I can help out in a small way. I feel that we are cut from the same cloth, & it is SO refreshing to find another woman that thinks the same way that I do! (Makes me feel just a bit less crazy!) I often smile thru your videos, because I know a lot of the info that you present, but just hearing your presentations make things click better than they were floating around in my gray matter!

I'm SO happy that I can help out in a small way. I feel that we are cut from the same cloth, & it is SO refreshing to find another woman that thinks the same way that I do! (Makes me feel just a bit less crazy!) I often smile thru your videos, because I know a lot of the info that you present, but just hearing your presentations make things click better than they were floating around in my gray matter!